Python notes using perl-ternary operator

--Make a note of what you thought was python.

Isn't there a ternary operator?

――I like ternary operators (conditional operators) ~ (I was shocked when new employees didn't understand ...)

>>> a = True
>>> b = a ? "OK" : "NG"
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    b = a ? "OK" : "NG"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

--An error occurred ...

>>> b = "OK" if a else "NG"
>>> print(b)

――I think this is more natural in English. (I'm not used to it yet) --Although there is a way to write ``` $ b =" OK "if (a);` `` as a postfix if in perl.

Complex ternary operator

-(I'm told that I don't understand because I write it like this ...) ――It is also possible to connect conditions.

sh-3.2$ perl -le '$a=0;$b=($a==0)?"ZERO":($a==1)?"ONE":($a==2)?"TWO":"TAKUSAN!";print $b' 
sh-3.2$ perl -le '$a=1;$b=($a==0)?"ZERO":($a==1)?"ONE":($a==2)?"TWO":"TAKUSAN!";print $b'
sh-3.2$ perl -le '$a=2;$b=($a==0)?"ZERO":($a==1)?"ONE":($a==2)?"TWO":"TAKUSAN!";print $b'
sh-3.2$ perl -le '$a=3;$b=($a==0)?"ZERO":($a==1)?"ONE":($a==2)?"TWO":"TAKUSAN!";print $b' 

――What happens if you write this like python?

>>> a=0
>>> b = "ZERO" if a == 0 else "ONE" if a == 1 else "TWO" if a == 2 else "TAKUSAN!"
>>> b
>>> a=1
>>> b = "ZERO" if a == 0 else "ONE" if a == 1 else "TWO" if a == 2 else "TAKUSAN!"
>>> b
>>> a=2
>>> b = "ZERO" if a == 0 else "ONE" if a == 1 else "TWO" if a == 2 else "TAKUSAN!"
>>> b
>>> a=3
>>> b = "ZERO" if a == 0 else "ONE" if a == 1 else "TWO" if a == 2 else "TAKUSAN!"
>>> b

――It may be rather difficult to understand if it is continuous ...

I want it after all ~

――It is sometimes said that it is difficult to understand, but it is better to use it ~ ――Is it against the design concept of python?

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