Since the total number of staff exceeds 20, it will be difficult to see if the shift table is displayed for facilities that are not related to me, so I corrected it. I had a lot of trouble with this fix, and I asked a question on Qiita and was able to implement it: point_up:
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, HttpResponseRedirect
from shisetsu.models import *
from accounts.models import *
from .models import *
import calendar
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime as dt
from django.db.models import Sum, Q
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.views.generic import FormView, UpdateView, ListView, CreateView, DetailView, DeleteView
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from .forms import *
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
# Create your views here.
def homeschedule(request):
from datetime import datetime
now =
return HttpResponseRedirect('/schedule/monthschedule/%s/%s/' % (now.year,now.month,)) #Automatically redirect to this month's shift screen
def monthschedulefilterfunc(request,year_num,month_num,shisetsu_num):
#user_list = User.objects.all()
#profile_list = Profile.objects.select_related().values().order_by('hyoujijyun')
#Get affiliation information from logged-in user
current_user = request.user
UserShozoku_list = UserShozokuModel.objects.filter(user = current_user).values_list("shisetsu_name", flat=True)
UserShozoku_list = list(UserShozoku_list)
#Get the same affiliation information as the logged-in user
Shzoku_list = UserShozokuModel.objects.filter(shisetsu_name__in = UserShozoku_list).values_list("user_id", flat=True).distinct()
user_list = User.objects.select_related().all().order_by("profile__hyoujijyun")
profile_list = Profile.objects.filter(user_id__in = Shzoku_list).select_related().values().order_by("hyoujijyun")
year, month, shisetsu = int(year_num), int(month_num), int(shisetsu_num)
shisetsu_object = Shisetsu.objects.filter(id = shisetsu)
shisetsu_all_object = Shisetsu.objects.all()
shift_object = Shift.objects.all()
object_list = Schedule.objects.filter(year = year, month = month).order_by('user', 'date')
month_total = Schedule.objects.select_related('User').filter(year = year, month = month).values("user").order_by("user").annotate(month_total_worktime = Sum("day_total_worktime"))
#Get the number of days in the shift range
enddate =,month,20)
startdate = enddate + relativedelta(months=-1)
kaisu = enddate - startdate
kaisu = int(kaisu.days)
kikan = str(startdate) +"~"+ str(enddate)
#Create a list of dates and days of the week
hiduke = str(startdate)
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
hiduke = dt.strptime(hiduke, date_format)
weekdays = ["Month","fire","water","wood","Money","soil","Day"]
calender_object = []
youbi_object = []
for i in range(kaisu):
hiduke = hiduke + timedelta(days=1)
youbi = weekdays[hiduke.weekday()]
kaisu = str(kaisu)
context = {
'year': year,
'month': month,
'kikan': kikan,
'object_list': object_list,
'user_list': user_list,
'shift_object': shift_object,
'calender_object': calender_object,
'youbi_object': youbi_object,
'kaisu': kaisu,
'shisetsu_object': shisetsu_object,
'month_total' : month_total,
'profile_list' : profile_list,
'shisetsu_all_object' : shisetsu_all_object,
return render(request,'schedule/monthfilter.html', context)
def monthschedulefunc(request,year_num,month_num):
#Get affiliation information from logged-in user
current_user = request.user
UserShozoku_list = UserShozokuModel.objects.filter(user = current_user).values_list("shisetsu_name", flat=True)
UserShozoku_list = list(UserShozoku_list)
#Get the same affiliation information as the logged-in user
Shzoku_list = UserShozokuModel.objects.filter(shisetsu_name__in = UserShozoku_list).values_list("user_id", flat=True).distinct()
user_list = User.objects.select_related().all().order_by("profile__hyoujijyun")
profile_list = Profile.objects.filter(user_id__in = Shzoku_list).select_related().values().order_by("hyoujijyun")
#Reacquired for facility button display
UserShozoku_list = UserShozokuModel.objects.filter(user = current_user)
year, month = int(year_num), int(month_num)
shisetsu_object = Shisetsu.objects.all()
shift_object = Shift.objects.all()
object_list = Schedule.objects.filter(year = year, month = month).order_by('user', 'date')
month_total = Schedule.objects.select_related('User').filter(year = year, month = month).values("user").order_by("user").annotate(month_total_worktime = Sum("day_total_worktime"))
#Get the number of days in the shift range
enddate =,month,20)
startdate = enddate + relativedelta(months=-1)
kaisu = enddate - startdate
kaisu = int(kaisu.days)
kikan = str(startdate) +"~"+ str(enddate)
#Create a list of dates and days of the week
hiduke = str(startdate)
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
hiduke = dt.strptime(hiduke, date_format)
weekdays = ["Month","fire","water","wood","Money","soil","Day"]
calender_object = []
youbi_object = []
for i in range(kaisu):
hiduke = hiduke + timedelta(days=1)
youbi = weekdays[hiduke.weekday()]
kaisu = str(kaisu)
context = {
'year': year,
'month': month,
'kikan': kikan,
'object_list': object_list,
'user_list': user_list,
'shift_object': shift_object,
'calender_object': calender_object,
'youbi_object': youbi_object,
'kaisu': kaisu,
'shisetsu_object': shisetsu_object,
'month_total' : month_total,
'profile_list' : profile_list,
return render(request,'schedule/month.html', context)
def scheduleUpdatefunc(request,pk):
Schedule_list = Schedule.objects.get(pk = int(pk))
User_list = User.objects.get(username = Schedule_list.user)
shift_object = Shift.objects.all()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = ScheduleUpdateForm(data=request.POST)
year = Schedule_list.year
month = Schedule_list.month
#Update button processing
if form.is_valid():
Schedule_list.shift_name_1 = form.cleaned_data['shift_name_1']
Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_1 = form.cleaned_data['shisetsu_name_1']
Schedule_list.shift_name_2 = form.cleaned_data['shift_name_2']
Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_2 = form.cleaned_data['shisetsu_name_2']
Schedule_list.shift_name_3 = form.cleaned_data['shift_name_3']
Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_3 = form.cleaned_data['shisetsu_name_3']
Schedule_list.shift_name_4 = form.cleaned_data['shift_name_4']
Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_4 = form.cleaned_data['shisetsu_name_4']
#Update button
if "updatebutton" in request.POST:
Schedule_list.day_total_worktime = form.cleaned_data['day_total_worktime']
#Calculate from shift and update button
elif "sumupdatebutton" in request.POST:
#Calculate total daily work hours from shifts
sum_work_time = 0
for shift in shift_object:
if str(form.cleaned_data['shift_name_1']) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(form.cleaned_data['shift_name_2']) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(form.cleaned_data['shift_name_3']) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(form.cleaned_data['shift_name_4']) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
Schedule_list.day_total_worktime = sum_work_time
return HttpResponseRedirect('/schedule/monthschedule/%s/%s/' % (year,month,))
item = {
"shisetsu_name_1": Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_1,
"shift_name_2": Schedule_list.shift_name_2,
"shisetsu_name_2": Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_2,
"shift_name_3": Schedule_list.shift_name_3,
"shisetsu_name_3": Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_3,
"shift_name_4": Schedule_list.shift_name_4,
"shisetsu_name_4": Schedule_list.shisetsu_name_4,
"day_total_worktime": Schedule_list.day_total_worktime,
form = ScheduleUpdateForm(initial=item)
context = {
'form' : form,
'Schedule_list': Schedule_list,
'User_list': User_list,
'shift_object': shift_object,
return render(request,'schedule/update.html', context )
def schedulecreatefunc(request,year_num,month_num):
year, month = int(year_num), int(month_num)
#Delete all schedules of the target year and month
Schedule.objects.filter(year = year, month = month).delete()
#Get the number of days in the shift range
enddate =,month,20)
startdate = enddate + relativedelta(months=-1)
#Extract the hope of the target period from the desired shift
kiboushift_list = KibouShift.objects.filter(date__range=[startdate, enddate])
kiboushift_list = list(kiboushift_list)
shift_list = Shift.objects.all()
#Reflect the desired shift
for kibou in kiboushift_list:
sum_work_time = 0
for shift in shift_list:
if str(kibou.shift_name_1) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(kibou.shift_name_2) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(kibou.shift_name_3) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(kibou.shift_name_4) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
new_object = Schedule(
user = kibou.user,
date =,
year = year,
month = month,
shift_name_1 = kibou.shift_name_1,
shisetsu_name_1 = kibou.shisetsu_name_1,
shift_name_2 = kibou.shift_name_2,
shisetsu_name_2 = kibou.shisetsu_name_2,
shift_name_3 = kibou.shift_name_3,
shisetsu_name_3 = kibou.shisetsu_name_3,
shift_name_4 = kibou.shift_name_4,
shisetsu_name_4 = kibou.shisetsu_name_4,
day_total_worktime = sum_work_time,
#Create other than desired shift
user_list = User.objects.all()
#Get the number of days in the shift range
enddate =,month,20)
startdate = enddate + relativedelta(months=-1)
kaisu = enddate - startdate
kaisu = int(kaisu.days)
#last month
if month != 1 :
zengetsu = month - 1
zengetsu = 12
year = year - 1
#Process for each user
for user in user_list:
#base_Created from the information where shift is registered
base_shift = BaseShift.objects.filter(user =
kongetsu_list = Schedule.objects.filter(year = year, month = month, user ='date')
zengetsu_list = Schedule.objects.filter(year = year, month = zengetsu, user ='date')
sakusei_date = startdate
shift_list = Shift.objects.all()
for new_shift in range(kaisu):
sakusei_date = sakusei_date + timedelta(days=1)
if kongetsu_list.filter(user =, date = sakusei_date).exists():
weekdays = ["Month","fire","water","wood","Money","soil","Day"]
youbi = weekdays[sakusei_date.weekday()]
#Get from base shift and get
if base_shift.filter(user = ).exists():
for base in base_shift:
sum_work_time = 0
shift1 = None
shisetsu1 = None
shift2 = None
shisetsu2 = None
shift3 = None
shisetsu3 = None
shift4 = None
shisetsu4 = None
if youbi == "Month":
for shift in shift_list:
if str(base.getsu_shift_name_1) == str(
shift1 = base.getsu_shift_name_1
shisetsu1 = base.getsu_shisetsu_name_1
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.getsu_shift_name_2) == str(
shift2 = base.getsu_shift_name_2
shisetsu2 = base.getsu_shisetsu_name_2
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.getsu_shift_name_3) == str(
shift3 = base.getsu_shift_name_3
shisetsu3 = base.getsu_shisetsu_name_3
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.getsu_shift_name_4) == str(
shift4 = base.getsu_shift_name_4
shisetsu4 = base.getsu_shisetsu_name_4
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
elif youbi == "fire":
for shift in shift_list:
if str(base.ka_shift_name_1) == str(
shift1 = base.ka_shift_name_1
shisetsu1 = base.ka_shisetsu_name_1
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.ka_shift_name_2) == str(
shift2 = base.ka_shift_name_2
shisetsu2 = base.ka_shisetsu_name_2
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.ka_shift_name_3) == str(
shift3 = base.ka_shift_name_3
shisetsu3 = base.ka_shisetsu_name_3
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.ka_shift_name_4) == str(
shift4 = base.ka_shift_name_4
shisetsu4 = base.ka_shisetsu_name_4
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
elif youbi == "water":
for shift in shift_list:
if str(base.sui_shift_name_1) == str(
shift1 = base.sui_shift_name_1
shisetsu1 = base.sui_shisetsu_name_1
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.sui_shift_name_2) == str(
shift2 = base.sui_shift_name_2
shisetsu2 = base.sui_shisetsu_name_2
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.sui_shift_name_3) == str(
shift3 = base.sui_shift_name_3
shisetsu3 = base.sui_shisetsu_name_3
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.sui_shift_name_4) == str(
shift4 = base.sui_shift_name_4
shisetsu4 = base.sui_shisetsu_name_4
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
elif youbi == "wood":
for shift in shift_list:
if str(base.moku_shift_name_1) == str(
shift1 = base.moku_shift_name_1
shisetsu1 = base.moku_shisetsu_name_1
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.moku_shift_name_2) == str(
shift2 = base.moku_shift_name_2
shisetsu2 = base.moku_shisetsu_name_2
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.moku_shift_name_3) == str(
shift3 = base.moku_shift_name_3
shisetsu3 = base.moku_shisetsu_name_3
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.moku_shift_name_4) == str(
shift4 = base.moku_shift_name_4
shisetsu4 = base.moku_shisetsu_name_4
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
elif youbi == "Money":
for shift in shift_list:
if str(base.kin_shift_name_1) == str(
shift1 = base.kin_shift_name_1
shisetsu1 = base.kin_shisetsu_name_1
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.kin_shift_name_2) == str(
shift2 = base.kin_shift_name_2
shisetsu2 = base.kin_shisetsu_name_2
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.kin_shift_name_3) == str(
shift3 = base.kin_shift_name_3
shisetsu3 = base.kin_shisetsu_name_3
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.kin_shift_name_4) == str(
shift4 = base.kin_shift_name_4
shisetsu4 = base.kin_shisetsu_name_4
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
elif youbi == "soil":
for shift in shift_list:
if str(base.do_shift_name_1) == str(
shift1 = base.do_shift_name_1
shisetsu1 = base.do_shisetsu_name_1
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.do_shift_name_2) == str(
shift2 = base.do_shift_name_2
shisetsu2 = base.do_shisetsu_name_2
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.do_shift_name_3) == str(
shift3 = base.do_shift_name_3
shisetsu3 = base.do_shisetsu_name_3
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.do_shift_name_4) == str(
shift4 = base.do_shift_name_4
shisetsu4 = base.do_shisetsu_name_4
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if youbi == "Day":
for shift in shift_list:
if str(base.nichi_shift_name_1) == str(
shift1 = base.nichi_shift_name_1
shisetsu1 = base.nichi_shisetsu_name_1
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.nichi_shift_name_2) == str(
shift2 = base.nichi_shift_name_2
shisetsu2 = base.nichi_shisetsu_name_2
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.nichi_shift_name_3) == str(
shift3 = base.nichi_shift_name_3
shisetsu3 = base.nichi_shisetsu_name_3
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(base.nichi_shift_name_4) == str(
shift4 = base.nichi_shift_name_4
shisetsu4 = base.nichi_shisetsu_name_4
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
user = base.user,
date = sakusei_date,
year = year,
month = month,
shift_name_1 = shift1,
shisetsu_name_1 = shisetsu1,
shift_name_2 = shift2,
shisetsu_name_2 = shisetsu2,
shift_name_3 = shift3,
shisetsu_name_3 = shisetsu3,
shift_name_4 = shift4,
shisetsu_name_4 = shisetsu4,
day_total_worktime = sum_work_time,
hukushadate = sakusei_date + relativedelta(months=-1)
hukusha_list = zengetsu_list.filter(date = hukushadate, user =
if zengetsu_list.filter(date = hukushadate, user =
for hukusha in hukusha_list:
#Calculate total daily work hours from shifts
sum_work_time = 0
for shift in shift_list:
if str(hukusha.shift_name_1) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(hukusha.shift_name_2) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(hukusha.shift_name_3) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
if str(hukusha.shift_name_4) == str(
sum_work_time = shift.wrok_time + sum_work_time
user = hukusha.user,
date = sakusei_date,
year = year,
month = month,
shift_name_1 = hukusha.shift_name_1,
shisetsu_name_1 = hukusha.shisetsu_name_1,
shift_name_2 = hukusha.shift_name_2,
shisetsu_name_2 = hukusha.shisetsu_name_2,
shift_name_3 = hukusha.shift_name_3,
shisetsu_name_3 = hukusha.shisetsu_name_3,
shift_name_4 = hukusha.shift_name_4,
shisetsu_name_4 = hukusha.shisetsu_name_4,
day_total_worktime = sum_work_time,
useradd = User.objects.get(
shiftadd = Shift.objects.get(id=2)
user = useradd,
date = sakusei_date,
year = year,
month = month,
shift_name_1 = shiftadd,
shisetsu_name_1 = None,
shift_name_2 = None,
shisetsu_name_2 = None,
shift_name_3 = None,
shisetsu_name_3 = None,
shift_name_4 = None,
shisetsu_name_4 = None,
day_total_worktime = 0,
return HttpResponseRedirect('/schedule/monthschedule/%s/%s/' % (year,month,))
def kiboulistfunc(request):
current_user = request.user
if current_user.is_superuser == True: #For superuser, show everything in the list
KibouShift_list = KibouShift.objects.all().order_by('-date')
else: #General users display only their own records.
KibouShift_list = KibouShift.objects.filter(user ='-date')
User_list = User.objects.all()
shift_object = Shift.objects.all()
context = {
'KibouShift_list': KibouShift_list,
'User_list': User_list,
'shift_object': shift_object,
return render(request,'schedule/kiboushift/list.html', context )
class KibouCreate(CreateView):
template_name = 'schedule/kiboushift/create.html'
model = KibouShift
fields = ('user', 'date', 'shift_name_1', 'shisetsu_name_1', 'shift_name_2', 'shisetsu_name_2', 'shift_name_3', 'shisetsu_name_3', 'shift_name_4', 'shisetsu_name_4')
success_url = reverse_lazy('schedule:KibouList')
def kiboubCreate(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
if > 5:
startdate =,now.month,20)
if date < startdate:
raise ValidationError(
"It is a date that cannot be entered",
params={'value': value},
startdate =,now.month,20)
startdate = enddate + relativedelta(months=1)
if date < startdate:
raise ValidationError(
"It is a date that cannot be entered",
params={'value': value},
return date
class KibouUpdate(UpdateView):
template_name = 'schedule/kiboushift/update.html'
model = KibouShift
fields = ('user', 'date', 'shift_name_1', 'shisetsu_name_1', 'shift_name_2', 'shisetsu_name_2', 'shift_name_3', 'shisetsu_name_3', 'shift_name_4', 'shisetsu_name_4')
def date(self):
date = self.cleaned_date.get('date')
now =
#Enter only after 20th when 5th
if > 5:
startdate =,now.month,20)
if date < startdate:
raise ValidationError(
"It is a date that cannot be entered",
params={'value': value},
startdate =,now.month,20)
startdate = enddate + relativedelta(months=1)
if date < startdate:
raise ValidationError(
"It is a date that cannot be entered",
params={'value': value},
return date
success_url = reverse_lazy('schedule:KibouList')
class KibouDelete(DeleteView):
template_name = 'schedule/kiboushift/delete.html'
model = KibouShift
fields = ('user', 'date', 'shift_name_1', 'shisetsu_name_1', 'shift_name_2', 'shisetsu_name_2', 'shift_name_3', 'shisetsu_name_3', 'shift_name_4', 'shisetsu_name_4')
success_url = reverse_lazy('schedule:KibouList')
def dayschedulefunc(request,date):
profile_list = Profile.objects.select_related().values().order_by('hyoujijyun')
shisetsu_all_object = Shisetsu.objects.all()
date = str(date)
tdatetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
tdate =, tdatetime.month,
object_list = Schedule.objects.select_related().filter(date = tdate)
shift_object = Shift.objects.all()
start_time = datetime.time(15, 00)
for object in object_list:
context = {
'profile_list': profile_list,
'shisetsu_all_object': shisetsu_all_object,
'object_list': object_list,
return render(request,'schedule/gant.html', context)
{% extends 'accounts/base.html' %}
{% load static %}
{% block customcss %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'schedule/month.css' %}">
{% endblock customcss %}
{% block header %}
<div class="header">
<div class="cole-md-1">
<a href="{% url 'schedule:KibouList' %}" class="btn-secondary btn active">List of desired shifts</a></p>
{% ifnotequal month 1 %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year month|add:'-1' %}" class="btn-info btn active">last month</a>
{% else %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year|add:'-1' 12 %}" class="btn-info btn active">last month</a>
{% endifnotequal %}
{% ifnotequal month 12 %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year month|add:'1' %}" class="btn-info btn active">Next month</a>
{% else %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year|add:'1' 1 %}" class="btn-info btn active">Next month</a>
{% endifnotequal %}
{% if perms.schedule.add_schedule %}<!--Authority-->
<a href="{% url 'schedule:schedulecreate' year month %}" class="btn-info btn active">Shift creation</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="cole-md-2">
{% for shift in shift_object %}
{% if != "Closed" and != "Yes" %}
{{ }} : {{ shift.start_time | date:"G"}}~{{ shift.end_time | date:"G"}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year month %}" button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-dark">all</a>
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% for UserShozoku in UserShozoku_list %}
{% if|stringformat:"s" == UserShozoku.shisetsu_name|stringformat:"s" %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedulefilter' year month %}" button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-dark" span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ }}</span></a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock header %}
{% block content %}
<table class="table">
<tr> <!--date-->
<th class ="fixed00" rowspan="2">{{ kikan }}</th>
{% for item in calender_object %}
<th class ="fixed01">{{ | date:"d" }}</th>
{% endfor %}
<tr> <!--Day of the week-->
{% for item in youbi_object %}
<th class ="fixed02">{{ item }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for profile in profile_list %}
{% for staff in user_list %}
{% if profile.user_id == %}
<tr align="center">
<th class ="fixed03" >{{ staff.last_name }} {{ staff.first_name }}</th> <!--staff_id element used in js-->
{% for item in object_list %}
{% if item.user|stringformat:"s" == staff.username|stringformat:"s" %}<!--If the username is the same-->
<td class="meisai">
{% if item.shift_name_1 != None %}
{% if item.shift_name_1|stringformat:"s" == "Yes" or item.shift_name_1|stringformat:"s" == "Closed" %}
{{ item.shift_name_1 }}
{% else %}
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% if item.shisetsu_name_1|stringformat:"s" ==|stringformat:"s" %}
<span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ item.shift_name_1 }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.shift_name_2 != None %}
{% if item.shift_name_2|stringformat:"s" == "Yes" or item.shift_name_2|stringformat:"s" == "Closed" %}
{{ item.shift_name_2 }}
{% else %}
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% if item.shisetsu_name_2|stringformat:"s" ==|stringformat:"s" %}
<span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ item.shift_name_2 }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.shift_name_3 != None %}
{% if item.shift_name_3|stringformat:"s" == "Yes" or item.shift_name_3|stringformat:"s" == "Closed" %}
{{ item.shift_name_3 }}
{% else %}
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% if item.shisetsu_name_3|stringformat:"s" ==|stringformat:"s" %}
<span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ item.shift_name_3 }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.shift_name_4 != None %}
{% if item.shift_name_4|stringformat:"s" == "Yes" or item.shift_name_4|stringformat:"s" == "Closed" %}
{{ item.shift_name_4 }}
{% else %}
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% if item.shisetsu_name_4|stringformat:"s" ==|stringformat:"s" %}
<span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ item.shift_name_4 }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<tr align="center">
{% for month in month_total %}
{% if month.user == %}<!--If the username is the same-->
<td class="fixed04"><b>{{ month.month_total_worktime }}</b></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for item in object_list %}
{% if item.user|stringformat:"s" == staff.username|stringformat:"s" %}<!--If the username is the same-->
{% if perms.schedule.add_schedule %}<!--Authority-->
<td class="meisai" id="s{{ }}d{{ }}">
<a href="{% url 'schedule:update' %}">{{ item.day_total_worktime }} </a>
{% else %}
<td class="meisai" id="s{{ }}d{{ }}">
{{ item.day_total_worktime }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}
{% extends 'accounts/base.html' %}
{% load static %}
{% block customcss %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'schedule/month.css' %}">
{% endblock customcss %}
{% block header %}
<div class="header">
<div class="cole-md-1">
<a href="{% url 'schedule:KibouList' %}" class="btn-secondary btn active">List of desired shifts</a></p>
{% ifnotequal month 1 %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year month|add:'-1' %}" class="btn-info btn active">last month</a>
{% else %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year|add:'-1' 12 %}" class="btn-info btn active">last month</a>
{% endifnotequal %}
{% ifnotequal month 12 %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year month|add:'1' %}" class="btn-info btn active">Next month</a>
{% else %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year|add:'1' 1 %}" class="btn-info btn active">Next month</a>
{% endifnotequal %}
{% if perms.schedule.add_schedule %}<!--Authority-->
<a href="{% url 'schedule:schedulecreate' year month %}" class="btn-info btn active">Shift creation</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="cole-md-2">
{% for shift in shift_object %}
{% if != "Closed" and != "Yes" %}
{{ }} : {{ shift.start_time | date:"G"}}~{{ shift.end_time | date:"G"}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedule' year month %}" button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-dark">all</a>
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% for UserShozoku in UserShozoku_list %}
{% if|stringformat:"s" == UserShozoku.shisetsu_name|stringformat:"s" %}
<a href="{% url 'schedule:monthschedulefilter' year month %}" button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-dark" span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ }}</span></a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock header %}
{% block content %}
<table class="table">
<tr> <!--date-->
<th class ="fixed00" rowspan="2">{{ kikan }}</th>
{% for item in calender_object %}
<th class ="fixed01">{{ | date:"d" }}</th>
{% endfor %}
<tr> <!--Day of the week-->
{% for item in youbi_object %}
<th class ="fixed02">{{ item }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for profile in profile_list %}
{% for staff in user_list %}
{% if profile.user_id == %}
<tr align="center">
<th class ="fixed03" >{{ staff.last_name }} {{ staff.first_name }}</th> <!--staff_id element used in js-->
{% for item in object_list %}
{% if item.user|stringformat:"s" == staff.username|stringformat:"s" %}<!--If the username is the same-->
<td class="meisai">
{% if item.shift_name_1 != None %}
{% if item.shift_name_1|stringformat:"s" == "Yes" or item.shift_name_1|stringformat:"s" == "Closed" %}
{{ item.shift_name_1 }}
{% else %}
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% if item.shisetsu_name_1|stringformat:"s" ==|stringformat:"s" %}
<span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ item.shift_name_1 }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.shift_name_2 != None %}
{% if item.shift_name_2|stringformat:"s" == "Yes" or item.shift_name_2|stringformat:"s" == "Closed" %}
{{ item.shift_name_2 }}
{% else %}
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% if item.shisetsu_name_2|stringformat:"s" ==|stringformat:"s" %}
<span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ item.shift_name_2 }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.shift_name_3 != None %}
{% if item.shift_name_3|stringformat:"s" == "Yes" or item.shift_name_3|stringformat:"s" == "Closed" %}
{{ item.shift_name_3 }}
{% else %}
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% if item.shisetsu_name_3|stringformat:"s" ==|stringformat:"s" %}
<span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ item.shift_name_3 }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.shift_name_4 != None %}
{% if item.shift_name_4|stringformat:"s" == "Yes" or item.shift_name_4|stringformat:"s" == "Closed" %}
{{ item.shift_name_4 }}
{% else %}
{% for shisetsu in shisetsu_object %}
{% if item.shisetsu_name_4|stringformat:"s" ==|stringformat:"s" %}
<span style="background-color:{{ shisetsu.color }}">{{ item.shift_name_4 }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<tr align="center">
{% for month in month_total %}
{% if month.user == %}<!--If the username is the same-->
<td class="fixed04"><b>{{ month.month_total_worktime }}</b></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for item in object_list %}
{% if item.user|stringformat:"s" == staff.username|stringformat:"s" %}<!--If the username is the same-->
{% if perms.schedule.add_schedule %}<!--Authority-->
<td class="meisai" id="s{{ }}d{{ }}">
<a href="{% url 'schedule:update' %}">{{ item.day_total_worktime }} </a>
{% else %}
<td class="meisai" id="s{{ }}d{{ }}">
{{ item.day_total_worktime }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}
If you belong to some facilities
If you belong to all facilities
It worked pretty well (⌒∇⌒)
What I thought this time was that I couldn't understand the condition specification for data extraction at all. I don't know the SQL statement either, but I don't understand Django's data extraction so much that I thought that I could get the data I wanted by executing it with SQL and extracting the data.
I can't find a good site, and I'm likely to hit a wall, but I'll push forward.
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