Django Make choices only for the facility you belong to

Development is proceeding at the same pace as before, but I haven't been able to post.

This time, when registering something, I will try to select only the store to which I belong. This is to prevent you from making a mistake when registering your desired shift, even though you belong only to Pu-a-Pu.

Before correction


When I looked it up, I was able to deal with it by adding and views.

    def get_form_kwargs(self):
        kwargs = super(KibouCreate, self).get_form_kwargs()
        kwargs['user'] = self.request.user
        return kwargs

I haven't grasped the image because I am doing it by myself, but when I get the form information, I imagine that I will pass my own information, get the result processed by the form and return it to Html. I will.

class kibouCreateForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        shift_object = Shift.objects.all()
        model = KibouShift
        fields = ('user', 'date', 'shift_name_1', 'shisetsu_name_1', 'shift_name_2', 'shisetsu_name_2', 'shift_name_3', 'shisetsu_name_3', 'shift_name_4', 'shisetsu_name_4')
        widgets = {
            'date': datetimepicker.DatePickerInput(
                'locale': 'ja',
                'dayViewHeaderFormat': 'YYYY year MMMM',
                'ignoreReadonly': True,
                'allowInputToggle': True,
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        #Only the affiliation list can be selected
        user = kwargs.pop('user')
        UserShozoku_list = UserShozokuModel.objects.filter(user ="shisetsu_name", flat=True)
        UserShozoku_list = list(UserShozoku_list)
        super(kibouCreateForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['shisetsu_name_1'].queryset = Shisetsu.objects.filter(id__in = UserShozoku_list).all()
        self.fields['shisetsu_name_2'].queryset = Shisetsu.objects.filter(id__in = UserShozoku_list).all()
        self.fields['shisetsu_name_3'].queryset = Shisetsu.objects.filter(id__in = UserShozoku_list).all()
        self.fields['shisetsu_name_4'].queryset = Shisetsu.objects.filter(id__in = UserShozoku_list).all()

Deadline check
    def clean_date(self):
        dt_now =
        dt_date = self.cleaned_data.get('date')
        #Enter only after 20th when 5th
        if > 5:
            startdate =,dt_now.month,20) + relativedelta(months=1)
            if dt_date < startdate:
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                "The deadline has passed, so please contact the administrator.",
            startdate =,dt_now.month,20)
            if dt_date < startdate:
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                "The deadline has passed, so please contact the administrator.",
        return self.cleaned_data.get('date')
    def clean(self):

        #double check
        dt_user = self.cleaned_data.get('user')
        dt_date = self.cleaned_data.get('date')
        if KibouShift.objects.filter(user=dt_user, date=dt_date).count() > 0:
            raise forms.ValidationError("I cannot register because the desired shift on the same day has already been registered. Please correct it.")

        dt_shift_name1 = self.cleaned_data.get('shift_name_1')
        dt_shift_name2 = self.cleaned_data.get('shift_name_2')
        dt_shift_name3 = self.cleaned_data.get('shift_name_3')
        dt_shift_name4 = self.cleaned_data.get('shift_name_4')
        dt_shisetsu_name_1 = self.cleaned_data.get('shisetsu_name_1')
        dt_shisetsu_name_2 = self.cleaned_data.get('shisetsu_name_2')
        dt_shisetsu_name_3 = self.cleaned_data.get('shisetsu_name_3')
        dt_shisetsu_name_4 = self.cleaned_data.get('shisetsu_name_4')
        #If the shift is closed, the facility will be left blank
        if str(dt_shift_name1) == "Closed" or str(dt_shift_name1) == "Yes" or str(dt_shift_name1) == "Not":
            if dt_shift_name2 != None or dt_shift_name3 != None or dt_shift_name4 != None or dt_shisetsu_name_1 != None or dt_shisetsu_name_2 != None or dt_shisetsu_name_3 != None or dt_shisetsu_name_4 != None:
                raise forms.ValidationError("No other input is required for shifts "holiday", "yes", and "no".")

Then image.png

It is now only the facility to which I belong.

By the way, I would like to make user selection only possible for those who have permission to add schedules.

I just added a little bit. Even so, I researched it for about an hour and implemented it (laugh)

Originally, I think that it is best to be able to select a facility for each selected user, but it is necessary to implement it with javascript or get it by pressing a button.

You need to improve your skills in the future.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        #Only the affiliation list can be selected
        user = kwargs.pop('user')
        UserShozoku_list = UserShozokuModel.objects.filter(user ="shisetsu_name", flat=True)
        UserShozoku_list = list(UserShozoku_list)
        super(kibouCreateForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['shisetsu_name_1'].queryset = Shisetsu.objects.filter(id__in = UserShozoku_list).all()
        self.fields['shisetsu_name_2'].queryset = Shisetsu.objects.filter(id__in = UserShozoku_list).all()
        self.fields['shisetsu_name_3'].queryset = Shisetsu.objects.filter(id__in = UserShozoku_list).all()
        self.fields['shisetsu_name_4'].queryset = Shisetsu.objects.filter(id__in = UserShozoku_list).all()

        #It is better to change for each selected user, but it is necessary to get and operate with Javascript or button
        #Change user selection if you have permission to add schedule
        permissions = Permission.objects.filter(user=user)
        if user.has_perm('schedule.add_KibouShift'):
            self.fields['user'].queryset = CustomUser.objects.all()
            self.fields['user'].queryset = CustomUser.objects.filter(username=user.username).all()

By the way, I changed it to CustomUser instead of the originally prepared User object. I cleared the database and started over, so the data became par.

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