I would like to update from time to time What I was having trouble with discord (what I couldn't find when I searched the site) Please make a note of it for reference ~
python 3.8.1 windows10
Codes that I didn't ride unexpectedly
This time we will use the event (on_message) when the message is received, but it can be applied to other things as well. This code specifies the time To use this
import asyncio
Must be declared
async def on_message(message):
guild = message.guild
if message.content == '/role':
reaction_message = await message.channel.send('pls reaction good or bad')
reaction_message_id = reaction_message.id
ad_role_good = guild.get_role(YOUR_ROLE_ID)
ad_role_bad = guild.get_role(YOUR_ROLE_ID)
def check(reaction,user):
return user == message.author and reaction.message.id == reaction_message_id
reaction, user = await client.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=120.0, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await message.channel.send('Time is up! !! !!')
if str(reaction.emoji) == "\U0001f44d":
await message.author.add_roles(ad_role_good)
await message.channel.send('good')
elif str(reaction.emoji) == '\U0001f44e':
await message.author.add_roles(ad_role_bad)
await message.channel.send('bad')
await message.channel.send('Not supported')
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