Until Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is installed in Windows and fish is installed


Windows 10 version 1909

Insert WSL

Right click on the start button Press "Apps and Features (F)" Press Programs and Features image.png Enable or disable Windows features image.png Check the Windows subsystem for Linux and restart your PC (There was no Windows Subsystem for Linux in other articles) image.png Open Microsoft Store Search by typing Ubuntu in the search window image.png You can choose any Ubuntu, but this time install "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"

Start Ubuntu, wait a moment and enter your username and password If you are an experienced Linux user, you may be accustomed to it, but even an inexperienced person should be able to read English. If you can't read English, copy and paste it into Google Translate or DeepL Translator and do your best. To copy and paste, select a range and right-click.

OK if such a screen is displayed image.png

After installing Ubuntu, run the following command to update the package.

sudo apt-get update

install fish

Let's install fish shell.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fish-shell/release-2
sudo apt-get install fish

To check if the installation was successful, run the command to check the version.

fish --version

Change the default shell to fish.

chsh -s /usr/bin/fish

fish, version 3.1.It is OK if the version information is returned like 0.

# install fisher

 Let's install fisher.
 A package manager for fish.
 Needed to customize fish in various ways.

curl https://git.io/fisher --create-dirs -sLo ~/.config/fish/functions/fisher.fish

Now you can customize it in various ways. Let's enter your favorite color theme from the link below. https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/blob/master/docs/Themes.md I will try "bob the fish" as an example.

fisher install oh-my-fish/theme-agnoster

At the end

It's very difficult to use, probably because I'm not used to it.

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