[Python] Until CuPy is installed on Windows 10 and CUDA core is used

I was addicted to the introduction, so I wrote an article.

CuPy? NumPy compatible GPU computing library.

Fast calculations in Python. NumPy compatible GPU computing library cupy https://purakaku-python.readthedocs.io/ja/master/chapter_ml/cupy.html


Extract only the range that seems necessary for the article

Type spec/version
CPU Intel Core i7-9700K
RAM DDR4-2133 32GB (8GBx4)
OS Windows10 Pro 1909 64Bit
CUDA Toolkit10.2 10.2.89
Python3 3.7.6
CuPy v7 7.3.0

Please take responsibility for your actions

CuPy is not guaranteed to work on ** Windows. ** ** In addition, although this page explains how to use it on Windows, we do not recommend using it in an unsupported environment.

Check CUDA version

Execute the following command at the command prompt etc.

nvcc -V

After execution, if you receive the following response, you can confirm normally.

nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2019 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Wed_Oct_23_19:32:27_Pacific_Daylight_Time_2019
Cuda compilation tools, release 10.2, V10.2.89

Make a note of the release number on the last line as it will be used when installing CuPy. In this case, there is no problem if you write down only 10.2.

Is that a different response?

'nvcc'Is an internal or external command,
It is not recognized as an operable program or batch file.

If you get such a response, you need to install the CUDA Toolkit.

Install CUDA Toolkit


** Download the one that suits your environment from the CUDA Toolkit Download Page **. 200403a.png Either ʻexe [network]or ʻexe [local]can be used.


Follow the displayed instructions to install as is.

Introduction of CuPy

I will use the numbers I wrote down here. In this case, it was 10.2, so remove the comma and install it as follows.

pip install cupy-cuda102

Reboot the system after the installation completes successfully. The following article will be helpful for how to use it.

Introducing Cupy that can easily calculate GPU with python https://qiita.com/samacoba/items/d18e6cf09f544477aff4

Cannot import

import cupy as cp
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\thzking\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\sit...
(Full error)
ImportError: DLL load failed:The specified module cannot be found.

You may be able to solve it by the following methods.

-** Reboot if system has not been rebooted after setup (important) ** --Reconfirm CUDA version --Reinstall CuPy --Reinstalling CUDA Toolkit --Throw and sleep

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