[Python] Creating a stock price drawdown chart

Code to create a drawdown chart based on exponential data.

Loading the library


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import seaborn as sns

Read ETF data

I am using the csv file obtained from the NASDAQ site, but any exponential data will do.


#Combine the closing prices of CSV files saved from the following sites in advance into one
def make_df(etfs):
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    for etf in etfs:
        csvfile = etf +'.csv'
        csv_data = pd.read_csv(csvfile)
        csv_data.Date = pd.to_datetime(csv_data.Date)
        csv_data = csv_data.set_index('Date')
        csv_data= csv_data.rename(columns={' Close/Last': etf})
        df[etf] = csv_data[etf]
        df = df.sort_index().dropna()
    return df

Drawdown chart creation


#Drawdown chart
def dd_chart(df):

    #DfDD calculated drawdown for all funds_Create all
    dfDD_all = pd.DataFrame() 

    for i in range(0,df.shape[1]):
        dfDD = pd.DataFrame(df.iloc[:,i]) 
        dfDD['max']  = dfDD.iloc[:,0].cummax()
        dfDD[dfDD.columns[0]+'_DD'] = dfDD.iloc[:,0] / dfDD['max'] -1
        dfDD_all[dfDD.columns[0]+'_DD'] = dfDD[dfDD.columns[0]+'_DD']

    #Create a chart
    fig = plt.figure()
    dfDD_all.plot(figsize = (15, round(dfDD_all.shape[1]/2+0.4,0)*5), subplots=True,
                  layout=(-1, 2),sharey=True, title ='Drawdown')



etfs = ['VTI','SPXL']
df = make_df(etfs)

A graph like this is created. dd_plot.png

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