[RUBY] New engineer who will be one serving in 100 days (1st day)

New engineer who will be one serving in 100 days (1st day)

Good evening, today is the first day. By the way, it started yesterday, so if you'd like, please click here. New engineer who will be one serving in 100 days (day 0)

What i did today

From today, I started working in earnest. I'll work on the issue right away ... I thought,

I don't know how to use Docker ... So first of all, the first half of the struggle there.

After that, I worked on refurbishing the form with Rails ... There are too many project folders and I don't know what they are: joy:

That was how it started.

If you deepen your understanding little by little and understand the architecture and the connection of each class I think it's interesting.

Docker this and that

It was from here today. Some commands I used

docker command

docker-compose build    #service(web,DB)Build
docker-compose up       #Create and launch a container
docker-compose down     #Stop the container and delete the container and network
docker-compose ps       #Display the list of containers You can see the status of the containers

I'm sure there are many others, so let's increase the capacity little by little.

That .. The information is not reflected when the file is changed ... In such a case

docker command

docker-compose build    #service(web,DB)Build
docker-compose up -d    #Detached mode:Run the container in the background and show the new container name

I see. This seems to be okay.

Why does it start in the background when the information changes are reflected? There were times when it was okay to reload the screen without doing this when I changed it, but what's the difference? Today's question. It will be resolved by tomorrow.

And I will read the document steadily

-Addition- If there is a change in the contents written in docker-compose.yml or ./docker/rails/Dockerfile, you need to build again. Questions are resolved safely

Rails this and that

The project is very big ... ** I'm confused about what routes it is **

・ The method I knew ... If you look at config / routes, it's all written! !! I thought, but it seemed to be difficult. Therefore, check by the following method

$ rails routes

There seem to be many other things I received Tips from a senior employee.

** ・ At localhost: 3000 / rails / info ** Great routes are all available and you can search properly! !!

** ・ From docker-compose up ** Since the log is output, which controller should be used You can check if the screen is transitioning

Thank you for your advice.

What is debugging

** If you put raise in the middle of the code ... ** When I launch the app, I get an error screen Console on that screen? Each information was obtained by typing. Awesome

For example, put a raise in the middle of the form controller code. Launch the app → enter the console from the error screen When I entered params, I was able to confirm what kind of value was sent. I will use it from tomorrow. Thank you ...: joy_cat:

There should be various other ways, so let's check them.

The form hasn't been completed yet, so I'll continue tomorrow.

Today's day

Today was the first day of the series. I think everything is piled up, so one by one a day.

I would like to hear from Phil Heath. Winning is habitual

** 99 days to become a full-fledged engineer **

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