[RUBY] 28th day of an engineer who will become a full-fledged person in 100 days

28th day of an engineer who will become a full-fledged person in 100 days

This article is a continuation of Implementing Account BAN. If you like, please click here.

Implement session timeout

If the user does not access for a certain period of time This time I will implement a mechanism to automatically cancel the login status. First from session_controller. The heart of this time is session [: last_access_time] = Time.current part. Save the current time in session when you log in. The rest is a normal login process.


class User::SessionsController < User::Base


    if User::Authenticator.new(user_member).authenticate(@form.password)
      if user_member.suspended?
        flash.now.alert = "Account is suspended"
        render action: "new"
        session[:user_member_id] = user_member.id
        #Save the current time in session at login.
        session[:last_access_time] = Time.current
        flash.notice = "You are now logged"
        redirect_to :user_root
      flash.now.alert = "Incorrect email address or password"
      render action: "new"

And here is the implementation of session timeout. This time, if there is no login for 60 minutes or more, the session will time out.


#Set timeout time to 60 minutes
TIMEOUT = 60.minutes

private def check_timeout

  if current_user
    #Session if last access was less than 60 minutes[:last_access_time]To the current time
    if session[:last_access_time] >= TIMEOUT.ago
      session[:last_access_time] = Time.current

    #If the last access is not within 60, delete the session as a session timeout and
    #Redirect to the top screen.
      flash.alert = "The session has timed out."
      redirect_to :staff_login

I was able to implement it like this. It was easier than I expected. Save the last access time in session. Is that the important part? That's all for today.

71 days to become a full-fledged engineer

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