[RUBY] 《Inexperienced → web engineer》 4th day of practice

[What I did today]

API test Learning SQL statements

[What I didn't know]

A "query" is a character string that represents a request to a database or the like. "SQL" is a language specification for querying databases.

For inner join, first pick up the specified column of table A and then join table B * Only the overlapping part For outer join, specify the table on the left or right and join based on the specified table * Some parts do not overlap! Reference URL https://qiita.com/naoki_mochizuki/items/3fda1ad6594c11d7b43chttp://www.pursue.ne.jp/jouhousyo/SQLDoc/select22.html

・ MinIO Image of compatible tools for S3. It seems convenient because it can be run on Docker and you can try it at no cost. Reference URL https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/s3-compatible-storage-minio/

-Redundant configuration A redundant configuration is a type of configuration such as an information system, in which multiple facilities and devices are prepared so that operation can be continued even if some of them fail. Such a property of a system or the like is called "redundancy", and such a configuration method is called "redundancy".

[Tomorrow] What to do, articles you want to read, etc.

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