I couldn't post yesterday, so I'll post today.
Clarify what you did, what you didn't know, and what you should do Accelerate the growth rate per day.
API test Correction of minor content on the issue
-API response is created by type in the controller -In the default setting of Notepad, "" is reversed and an error occurs. -The current branch name is displayed at the bottom left of VScode!
Tests I didn't know breakman → Performs security tests In this case, we will test in 3 stages of breakman, rspec, rubocop expected: "Expected wording" got: "Actual wording"
Check if this is the same Not only the API wording is corrected, but also the status code is corrected as a set. HTTP status code https://qiita.com/terufumi1122/items/997e24dde87f807e3944
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