In omegaconf, let's pass the direct parameter file to the function


--I created a decorator that reads parameters from a file and adds them to arguments, so I want to share how to use them. --The motivation is to make it easier to read parameters for models such as DL. --Because the code that links the arguments from the main function is troublesome ... --omegaconf It's convenient, so I want people who don't know to know it. ――If you have any other useful things, please let me know!


Code sample (summary)

--Preparation --Install omegaconf

pip install omegaconf

--Preparing the decorator

import functools
from omegaconf import OmegaConf

def add_args(params_file: str, as_default: bool = False) -> callable:
    def _decorator(f: callable) -> callable:
        def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> None:
            cfg_params = OmegaConf.load(params_file)
            if as_default:
                kwargs = cfg_params
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        return _wrapper

    return _decorator

--Prepare a parameter file to read (yaml or json) --omegaconf supports yaml, json

cat <<__YML__ > params.yml
n_encoder_layer: 3
n_decoder_layer: 5
n_heads: 4
n_embedding: 16
echo "===== [ params.yml ] ====="
cat params.yml
echo "====="


def use_params(a, b, n_encoder_layer, n_decoder_layer, n_heads, n_embedding):
    assert a == 0.25
    assert b == "world"
    assert n_encoder_layer == 3
    assert n_decoder_layer == 5
    assert n_heads == 4
    assert n_embedding == 16

use_params(a=0.25, b="world")

Here, only a and b are specified in the use_params () function.

You can also programmatically overwrite the params.yml setting as the default by specifying as_default = True as the decorator argument, as shown below. (By the way, in the case of as_default = False (default of the decorator), the direct of the configuration file is prioritized over the actual argument specified by the program.)

@add_args("params.yml", as_default=True)
def use_params(n_encoder_layer, n_decoder_layer, n_heads, n_embedding):
    assert n_encoder_layer == 128   # notice !!
    assert n_decoder_layer == 5
    assert n_heads == 4
    assert n_embedding == 16


--Other --You can decorate it with the class __init__, so please give it a try. --In omegaconf, you can refer to environment variables and direct variables in the configuration file as variables. --For more information on omegaconf, see here

The remaining challenges

――It's subtle to write the same code every time, so I want to be able to pip install

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