Pyenv on Mac OSX Mavericks


I haven't written anything more than an introductory article about other people.

Install pyenv with homebrew, The content is that I don't use anyenv.

I wanted to include awscli.


Understanding Shims | yyuu/pyenv Understanding Shims

pyenv works by inserting a directory of shims at the front of your PATH:


That's why Write the setting to pass the path to ~ / .pyenv / shims in the file that is read when the shell starts.

The following settings initialize pyenv by adding the path only if ~ / .pyenv exists.

# pyenv -----------------------------------------
if [ -d $HOME/.pyenv ]; then
  export PATH="${HOME}/.pyenv/shims:$PATH"
  eval "$(pyenv init -)"


//Install pyenv using brew
$ brew install pyenv

//Install plugin to automate pyenv rehash
$ git clone ~/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-pip-rehash

//Check the installable version
$ pyenv install -l

//Install by specifying the version of python
$ pyenv install 2.7.8

//python path check
$ which python

//python version check
$ python --version                                
Python 2.7.8

// easy_install path check
$ which easy_install

// easy_install version check
$ easy_install --version
setuptools 5.7

//Check pip version and path
$ pip —version
pip 1.5.6 from /Users/qurage/.pyenv/versions/2.7.8/lib/python2.7/site-packages (python 2.7)

Check for a stable version of Python


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