Notes on pyenv and Atom

Since I returned to Mac after a long time, I changed the Python development environment again

I was willing to go back to vim, but I was wondering if I should quit it in a good year. I write a lot of documents on a daily basis, and I wonder if ATOM main is okay ...

Well, aside from that, a memo when restarting the Mac

Put homebrew, put pyenv, and more.

To build a good relationship between pyenv and Atom, I'll also put a line in

process.env.PATH = ["/Users/hoge/.pyenv/shims/python", process.env.PATH].join(":")

So, it was solved safely. So, it's a different story, but I didn't know that Atom was able to manage packages. Be careful as you are becoming more and more old.

apm list --installed --bare > my_packages.txt
apm install --packages-file my_packages.txt

By the way, these days I want to know the first person until I teach my child all the way. So, let's continue to pursue various things with Python as the axis.

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