Notes on using post-receive and post-merge

I was able to fix a bug that I couldn't fix so far, so make a note of it.

Usual environment:

local: git push origin master
remote(bare): post-git pull with receive
remote(cloned): post-python script execution with merge

With these preferences, run the post-merge script and When ʻimporta third-party module in that script (The module is properlypip install), For some reason git push` raises ** ImportError ** on that third party module

The reason why I get such an error is that I have multiple Pythons installed in remote and unintended Pythons are running (ie I don't use the location where I did pip install). Python is used).

For example

  1. /usr/bin/python
  2. $HOME/.pythonbrew/pythons/Python-2.7.3/bin/python

I want to use ** 2 ** Python when I have two, but ** 1 ** Python is running.

So don't just run, When I bite ** shellscript ** and run it, it ran successfully.

In other words



$BIN $HOME/path/repo/

import flask

Ah, good, this works.

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