How to set up JavaED Full Edition (pleiades)

Nice to meet you, this is Nev! Since this is my first time to touch Java, I will leave a way to set up a development environment for study logs!

Click here for how to do Java!

!!Warning!! It consumes a lot of memory, so it is recommended to check the memory of your PC! !! !! Be sure to check that your OS is up to date! !!

Preliminary commentary

This time, I want to build a Java integrated environment and a development environment with a Japanese localization plug-in, so let's install "JavaED Full Edition (Preiades)" with a Japanese localization plug-in instead of "Eqlipse"!

Click here to see what Preiades is! →

■ I will briefly describe the flow of this installation! ① Install 7-zip → Please note that the data cannot be decompressed properly unless this tool is used when decompressing the Java integrated environment! (2) Install the Preiades (Java integrated development environment + Japanese localization plug-in) file. ③ After unzipping the installed Preiades, let's make various settings!

It's easy! Let's go crispy!

① Install 7-zip

I would like to install "7-zip". This page opens when you open the following URL. →

Please download according to the operating system of your PC! What is an operating system? "File-> PC-> Right-click-> Properties-> System type" Check your operating system from!

By the way, my PC is 64-bit. image.png

Let's install it quickly when you find out! Click the "Download" button to start the installation.


After installation, Let's set it by pressing "7zXXXX-xnn.exe" of the downloaded file. There is no specific setting this time, so press OK to set everything. If you want to make detailed settings, it's good.

② Install Preiades

Now that we have prepared in advance, let's install Eclipse! Click here for the installation page! →

When you open the page, you will see this Ver selection. Unless you don't like the old environment, choose the "latest version". That is more secure. This time, install "Eclipse 2019-09". image.png

If you press "Eclipse 2019-09", this page will appear. I want to set up a Java execution environment, so please press "Full Edition" of "Java" this time.


I think it took a long time, but after confirming that the file was installed safely, answer the corresponding file "" with "7-zip". let's do it.

③ Various settings

Did you finish defrosting safely? When you are done, click "Eclipse.exe" under "C: Pleiades / eclipse" in the unzipped file.

If you press it, the initial settings will run. The workspace settings will come out in the middle, but this is where you save the code you wrote. Create it in any folder (although it is under C).


Thank you for reading the first post to the end. If you find any typographical errors or mistakes, please DM me on Twitter!

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