When I built the app for the first time on a device that became iOS14, it crashed. .. .. The Xcode log is below: point_down:
This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Apparently you need NSUserTrackingUsageDescription
? It seems.
For now, read the Official Documentation.
** The point seems to be the List Key described in ʻinfo.plist` **
And what is the purpose?
IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) is a device ID that Apple randomly assigns to a user's device. Advertisers can use this ID to measure user ad engagement and in-app user behavior to serve customized ads. https://www.adjust.com/ja/glossary/idfa/
So, ** "Do advertisers use the ID assigned to your device for proper ad delivery?" ** Does that mean? ??
Refer to here and put characters in the Value part for the time being. Try.
Now I set the key and value
Oh! Is this the example IDFA opt-in dialog! Since the simulator is set to English, the opt-in dialog is also in English, but it seems that there is no problem for the time being.
Reference: Try to open the IDFA opt-in dialog on iOS14
With reference to here, I made a Japanese sentence like that, and when I built it on the actual machine, the opt-in dialog was properly in Japanese.
It seems that people who are advertising on the app will have to deal with it eventually, so as soon as possible ~
Here we make Google available to SKAd Network. Even if the user refuses to obtain IDFA, it is used to deliver advertisements using the SKAd Network provided by Apple. https://d1v1b.com/posts/update_admob_for_ios_app
ʻIt seems better to add SKAdNetworkItems to Info.plist`, so put it in
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