"Data pack that allows you to play music in Micra with a single command" It is a web application to make.
Since it can be managed for each tick, tuplet that cannot be expressed by normal Minecraft can be reproduced. Since it is a data pack, it can be easily executed. Since it is a data pack, it can be easily used for BGM if it is managed by command blocks. You can edit midi files in note block studio, If you want to edit midi, I think most of the time you use the dedicated software.
I used pretty-midi from Python.
import pretty_midi
import numpy as np
PITCH = {0:0.66, 1:0.70, 2:0.74, 3:0.78, 4:0.84, 5:0.89, 6:0.5, 7:0.53, 8:0.56, 9:0.59, 10:0.62, 11:0.66, 12:0.7, 13:0.74, 14:0.8, 15:0.84, 16:0.9, 17:0.95, 18:1, 19:1.05, 20:1.13, 21:1.18, 22:1.25, 23:1.33, 24:1.4, 25:1.5, 26:1.57, 27:1.67, 28:1.8, 29:1.9, 30:3, 31:1.05, 32:1.13, 33:1.18, 34:1.25, 35:1.33}
file = input("MIDI FILE PATH:")
midi_data = pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI(file)
second = midi_data.get_end_time()
print( "midi file size:", second, "seconds")
print( "bpm:", midi_data.estimate_tempo())
tp = []
with open("./note/data/note/functions/ontick.mcfunction", "w") as f:
for instrument in midi_data.instruments:
if not instrument.is_drum:
time = instrument.get_onsets()
i = 0
for note in instrument.notes:
tp.append([time[i], pretty_midi.note_number_to_name(note.pitch)])
f.write(f"execute at @a run execute if score Timer SECOND matches {int(time[i]*20)} run playsound minecraft:block.note_block.harp master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 {PITCH[int(note.pitch) % 36]}\n")
i += 1
I used Flask.
@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
return '''
<link rel=”icon” href=“./favicon.ico”>
<title>MC Note Functioner</title>
<form method="post" action="/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file">
@app.route('/upload', methods=['POST'])
def upload():
if 'file' not in flask.request.files:
return 'File not specified'
fs = flask.request.files['file']"./midi_file.mid")
Deployed to Heroku.
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