The story of developing a web application that automatically generates catchphrases [MeCab]

Service site



Use Python's Mecab to generate "like sentences" from various teacher data ・ Generated from category ・ Generated from a file ・ Generated from direct input Teacher data can be specified from the three patterns of.


Automatic catch phrase generation

・ Generated from category ・ Generated from a file ・ Generated from direct input

Login function

Member registration Login Member registration notification reset Password

Favorite function



Sakura server

front end


Basic part

Utilization of templates

Make the layout part common in Laravel's Blade template

Login authentication system

How to implement a quick login function in Laravel

When "Command" make: auth "is not defined." Appears

[User authentication with Laravel7_8] Authenticate email when changing email address

Let's examine the behavior of Laravel's standard Authentication (Auth)

Automatic notification when registering as a member

Email notifications and Slack notifications are possible by either of the following methods

Laravel If you read this, you can set Laravel events and listeners

Google Analytics Receive alerts from Google Analytics

Mail function

Set up Laravel's email feature to send password reset emails.

"MailTrap" during local development In the production environment, we set the SMTP of "Sakura Server" and confirmed the communication.

E-mail transmission test with Laravel mail Trap Memorandum

Set the SMTP of Sakura server to the SMTP server of Laravel

Try using the sophisticated "Laravel" email sending function

Laravel5.7: Send Japanese password reset email

Japanese setting

When setting Japanese in Laravel, You can adapt the settings by writing in ja.json.


    "Click link below and reset password.": "Please access the URL below and reset your password.",
    "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "If you don't know this email, just delete it.",


    {{ __('Click link below and reset password.') }}<br>
    {{ __('If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.') }}

Actual display image.png

Generated part

Implementation of "Generate from category" display part

The category pull-down makes the choices of "Category 2" change in association with "Category 1".

・ When category 1 is "lyrics"

・ When category 1 is "novel"

relation = category2.parent_id




How to make a parent-child select box like category / subcategory in laravel5.1

Implementation of "Generate from category" processing part

Set the path of teacher data to be read by Storage based on the value specified in the category.


$input = $request->input();
$category1  = Arr::get($input, 'category1');
$category2  = Arr::get($input, 'category2');
$path = 'public/constText/';
$path .= $category1 . '/';
$path .= $category2 . '.txt';

Structure of constText image.png

Implementation of "Generate from file" part

Use Laravel's Storage feature to implement the upload process. This time, the extension is set as follows to limit it to text data only. ·TXT ・ Csv ・ Xls ・ Xlsx

reference Detailed explanation on how to upload files with Laravel

I tried to summarize the operation of files and directories using Storage in Laravel

Implementation of "Generate from direct input" part

"Generate from file" is executed in the above flow, but "Generate from direct input" is also executed by utilizing the Storage function.

Generation flow from direct input Save the value of textarea as a text file in Storage Below, the same process as "Generate from file"

Server end

Python The automatically generated part by MeCab is summarized in the following article.

reference Automatically generated catch phrase [Python]

Python execution from PHP

In a firing event such as input button implemented in Laravel Allows you to implement Python.

Use PHP's exec function to execute Python.

reference PHP and Python integration from scratch on Laravel

PHP --Summary of the relationship between exec () error handling and standard error output



Creating a dynamic comment viewing screen using Laravel and Ajax

Use Ajax (jQuery) with Laravel

Asynchronous processing by passing values with Laravel and Ajax.

Display of generated text


Ajax is used to display the "generated text" area after pressing the generate button. Display the PHP exec function "\ $ outputs" in the generated text. $ outputs contains the printed string while running Python


exec($command , $outputs, $return_var);

$data = [
	'outputs' => $outputs,
	'return_var' => $return_var,
return response()->json($data);


var params = {
	headers: {  
		'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
	url: url,
	method: 'post',
	dataType: 'json',
	data: paramData,
	//Runs until the request is complete
	beforeSend: function(){
		$('.wrapper .button').addClass('pushed');
		$('.heart-check').prop('checked', false); //Remove all checked items

).done(function( data ) {
	//Initialization of generated text
	//Input of generated sentences
	for(var i = 0; i < data.outputs.length && i < 5; i++){

Favorite function

Favorite registration of generated sentences and Manage your favorite texts on My Page image.png

The favorite function uses Ajax and processes asynchronously.


//Display of list screen
public function index(Request $request) {

	$posts = Favorite_sentence::where('user_id', $request->user()->id) //$Get posts by user
		->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') //Arrange posts in chronological order
		->paginate(10); //Pagination; 

	return view('user.mypage', [
		'posts' => $posts, // $Pass the article written by user to view

//Click on the heart symbol(Register or delete)
public function ajaxlike(Request $request) {

	// $user_id = $request->user()->id;
	$user_id = Auth::user()->id;
	$post_id = $request->post_id;
	$sentence = $request->sentence;

	$like = new Favorite_sentence;
	$exist = Favorite_sentence::where('id', $post_id)->get();
	$isExist = $exist->isEmpty();

	if ($isExist) {
		//Create a new record in the likes table if empty (not yet liked)
		$like = new Favorite_sentence;
		$like->user_id = $user_id;
		$like->sentence = $sentence;

		$post_id = $like->id;
		$command = 'insert';

	} else {
		//Confirmation of the existence of your favorite phrase
		//Delete records in likes table
		$like = Favorite_sentence::where('id', $post_id)

		$command = 'delete';

	$data = [
		'user_id' => $user_id,
		'post_id' => $post_id,
		'sentence' => $sentence,
		'command' => $command,
	//Return the argument value to ajax with the following description
	return response()->json($data);


var like = $('.heart-label');
var likePostId;
var sentence;

like.on('click', function () {

	var $this = $(this);
	//Favorite sentence ID
	likePostId = $this.parent().parent().find(".sentence").attr('data-postid');
	//Favorite sentences
	sentence = $this.parent().parent().find(".sentence").val();
	//Favorite text is blank
	if (!sentence) {
		headers: {
			'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
		url: '/ajaxlike',
		type: 'POST',
		data: {
			'post_id': likePostId ,
			'sentence': sentence , 
	}).done(function (data) {            
		if(data.command = 'insert') {
			$this.parent().parent().find(".sentence").attr('data-postid', data.post_id);


Use "Sakura Server" in production environment

Python / MeCab environment construction

Output the result of morphological analysis with Mecab to a WEB browser compatible with Sakura server / UTF-8

Install mecab on Sakura shared server and call it from python

When MeCab can be run from a terminal but not from a PHP call ...

First try calling Python with the full path

A story that I had a hard time trying to call python with the exec function from php on the X server

Add site-packages

If that doesn't work, compare "site-packages" between terminal execution and PHP execution.

import site

Add diffs to make installed packages executable

import sys

reference Install Python module on Sakura rental server

An active engineer explains how to check and set the installation destination of the Python module [for beginners]

Laravel [0001] SSH into Sakura's rental server and install Laravel

Make a symbolic link to storage on the Sakura serverで作成したwebアプリをレンタルサーバに公開する/

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