In the past, Windows 7 had a feature called a gadget, and one of them was called a slide show. I will make something close to this. The following are the minimum functions you want to meet when creating.
--Randomly project the images in the folder --The image is displayed in the foreground --No window frame --You can freely set the number of seconds and size
In the Win7 era, I was looking at the pictures of cats in the slide show when I was feeling down or when I wanted to calm down ... When I became Win10 and the gadget function disappeared, I was a little depressed, but the disappearance did not cause a big problem, and I completely forgot its existence.
One day when I was very upset, "Oh, if there is something that calms me down ..." At that time, I suddenly remembered this gadget. "I want to put a picture of a cat in the foreground !!! I want to be healed !!!" And now it is.
VScode Python3.7
It moved like that ...!
def random_pic():
# ~~~abridgement~~~
while True:
img_list = glob.glob(pict_dir + '\\*')
pict = random.choice(img_list)
if pict.lower().endswith(img_types):
return pict
Of the paths stored in pict_dir
(set outside the function in the above code to make it easier to see where it is)
Randomly select the one that matches the extension in img_types
class Slideshow_window:
def __init__(self):
# ~~~abridgement~~~
self.window = sg.Window('', self.layout, finalize=True, no_titlebar=True, location=(self.winsize.width-360, 0),
keep_on_top=True, grab_anywhere=True, element_padding=((0,0),(0,0)), margins=(0,0), alpha_channel=1)
It is always displayed in the foreground.
, margins=(0,0)
With these two settings, it was possible to set a window with only images without a window frame.
location=(self.winsize.width-360, 0)
The window is set to be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen so that it does not get in the way of work.
I try to shift the location when it gets in the way.
You can make the image window transparent by setting this value between 0 and 1.
In some cases, if you set it to 0.5 etc., the back can be seen through.
Thank you very much for this site.
class ConfigDisplay:
# ~~~abridgement~~~
The setting screen can be displayed in the second class. Various settings can be applied by pressing the Set button. I try to get all the events with if so that I don't get an error when I leave it blank, but I want to be able to write it well because it's not beautiful.
Folder name on the setting screen
If it is a short path, it will be displayed, but if it is placed deep in the hierarchy, the path will be long and will only be displayed halfway.
I want to be able to see at a glance which folder I chose.
Processing when a folder without images is selected I haven't processed the error because it's for my own use, but I want to be able to display "No image" when selecting a folder that does not have an image file.
Save the folder settings for displaying images When I select a different folder on the setting screen, I want to select that folder the next time I start it. Is it necessary to save the path in a text file when straddling the start/end of the program? I have no idea.
Window position after resizing
Currently, the position of the image display is set to the upper right of the display, but since it depends on the initial image size, if you change the size from the setting ...
It will be like this. I want to be able to take the upper right as the base point regardless of the size.
I think I have created a function that meets my needs. I would like to continue making improvements in the future. I also want to learn beautiful coding.
I wonder if this gadget function was in demand at that time ...
import glob
import io
import random
import time
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import pyautogui
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
pict_dir = "Folder you want to display in the slide show"
img_types = (".jpg ",".jpeg ",".jfif")
# img_A function that randomly takes one image that matches the extension of types
def random_pic():
global pict_dir
global img_types
while True:
img_list = glob.glob(pict_dir + '\\*')
pict = random.choice(img_list)
if pict.lower().endswith(img_types):
return pict
#A function that opens image data and takes information
Referenced site
def get_img_data(f, maxsize, first=False):
im =
if first: # tkinter is inactive the first time
bio = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG")
del im
return bio.getvalue()
return ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
#Take the size of the window
def get_window_size():
window_size = pyautogui.size()
return window_size
#Main window
Referenced site
class Slideshow_window:
def __init__(self):
self.tout = 90000 #Random interval of images (milliseconds)
self.maxw = 360 #Maximum width of display image
self.maxh = 240 #Maximum height of the displayed image
self.winsize = get_window_size() #Window size for adjusting image display position
self.pfile = random_pic()
# sg.theme('Change Theme to your liking')
# ------Window layout------
self.image_col = [[sg.Image(data=get_img_data(self.pfile, (self.maxw, self.maxh), first=True), key='-IMAGE-')]]
self.layout = [[sg.Column(self.image_col, element_justification='c')]]
self.window = sg.Window('', self.layout, finalize=True, no_titlebar=True, location=(self.winsize.width-360, 0),
keep_on_top=True, grab_anywhere=True, element_padding=((0,0),(0,0)), margins=(0,0), alpha_channel=1)
def next_picture(self, previousfile='NONE'):
self.pfile = random_pic()
#Processing to avoid the case where the same image as the previously displayed image is randomly selected
while self.pfile == previousfile:
self.pfile = random_pic()
self.window['-IMAGE-'].Update(data=get_img_data(self.pfile, (self.maxw, self.maxh)))
def open_config(self):
disp2 = ConfigDisplay()
del disp2
def main(self):
#Set key bindings → Escape: Exit, s: Settings, n: Show next photo
self.window.bind('<Escape>', 'esc')
self.window.bind('<s>', 'setting')
self.window.bind('<n>', 'next')
while True:
# timeout(millisecond)Set to timeout over time_key='-TIMEOUT-'Raise an event
event, _ =, timeout_key='-TIMEOUT-')
if event in (None, 'esc'):
elif event == 'setting':
elif event == 'next' or event == '-TIMEOUT-':
#Settings screen window
class ConfigDisplay:
def __init__(self):
self.layout2 = [
[sg.Text('Display destination',size=(5,1)), sg.Input(default_text=pict_dir, key="-PICDIR-",size=(40, 1)), sg.FolderBrowse(size=(5,1),initial_folder=pict_dir[:pict_dir.rfind("\\")])],
[sg.Text("The number of seconds",size=(5,1)), sg.InputText(default_text=int(disp1.tout/1000) ,key="-INTIME-",size=(5,1))],
[sg.Text("Maximum width",size=(5,1)), sg.InputText(default_text=disp1.maxw ,key="-SIZEW-",size=(5,1)),
sg.Text("Maximum height",size=(5,1)), sg.InputText(default_text=disp1.maxh, key="-SIZEH-",size=(5,1))],
self.window = sg.Window("ConfigDisplay", self.layout2, no_titlebar=True, keep_on_top=True, location=(disp1.winsize.width-450, 100))
def main(self):
global pict_dir
while True:
event, value =
#What to do when the Set button is pressed
if event == "-SETOK-":
if value['-PICDIR-'] != '':
pict_dir = value['-PICDIR-']
if value['-INTIME-'] != '':
#In the input window, input in seconds, so return to milliseconds
disp1.tout = int(value['-INTIME-']) * 1000
if value['-SIZEW-'] != '':
disp1.maxw = int(value['-SIZEW-'])
if value['-SIZEH-'] != '':
disp1.maxh = int(value['-SIZEH-'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
disp1 = Slideshow_window()