Follow the mystery of orthographic-pedant that suddenly appeared on GitHub !!

One day I suddenly got a PR

I suddenly received a pull request like this yesterday at CyberAgent / beezlib where I am the owner.

Fix typographical error(s) by orthographic-pedant · Pull Request #17 · CyberAgent/beezlib


The content of the PR was a fix for a simple ** README ** typo. As you commented, it merged immediately ...

Who is orthographic-pedant?

Somehow, the comments are polite, and I wondered what kind of person is doing this? I looked at Profile with an interest in mind.




Nanikore ...

I just created an account the other day, but Contribution is 1882?

The length of the beard is also unusual.


No matter how you look at this, I thought it was ok and googled a little. The question was quickly resolved.


"Orthographic Pedant: a GitHub bot that scans popular repos for common typos and will correct them with pull requests"

Well, as most people know, it was a bot.

The project is here.


It was a bot that kidnapped the repository on GitHub and fixed the common English word typo. this is convenient.

There was also a log of which repository and which mistake was fixed, so it's a bit interesting to take a look.


Maybe you'll get a similar PR in your repository, but I don't think you should reply with a bot!

I replied and felt a little embarrassed !!!

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