Build a container that automatically formats Docker x Laravel code

What is PHP CS Fixer?

PHP CS Fixer (PHP Coding Standards Fixer) is, as the name suggests, a tool that modifies PHP code to comply with coding standards. ..


-Build the strongest Laravel development environment using Docker [new edition]

This article is a supplement to the above article.

Edit docker-compose.yml


    image: herloct/php-cs-fixer
      - ./backend:/project

Add services.cs.


#Do not automatically shape(Difference display only)
$ docker-compose run cs fix --dry-run -v --diff --diff-format udiff .

#Automatically shape
$ docker-compose run cs fix -v --diff --diff-format udiff .


Since the command is long, it is good to prepare a Makefile.

	docker-compose run cs fix --dry-run -v --diff --diff-format udiff .
	docker-compose run cs fix -v --diff --diff-format udiff .

You can execute it with the following command.

$ make dry-cs
$ make fix-cs


-Laravel PHP-CS-Fixer rule settings -Check your PHP file with php-cs-fixer

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