** VScode is good **, so I tried to touch it because it was propagated in synchronization. https://www.suzu6.net/posts/130-vscode-for-java/ When I was preparing the environment with reference to this person's blog, I posted it because I stumbled a little on how to pass the path.
Install the extension Java Extension Pack
for Java in VScode and
Create a new project using maven with ctlr
+ shift
+ p
I triumphantly compiled with F5
Build path specifies execution environment JavaSE-1.8. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment.
The compiler compliance specified is 1.8 but a JRE 14 is used
I got an error like the one above.
For the time being, if you look at pom.xml
1.8…。 As a test, I changed this 1.8 to 14, and the error was resolved. It sounds like the wording that specifies the compiled version of java in maven.
When I looked it up, https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-compiler-plugin/examples/compile-using-different-jdk.html There seems to be another way to set the compiler.
I want to be a fast-paced engineer. .. ..
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