A memo to build Jitsi Meet on Azure with docker-compose

I'm trying self-hosting for jitsi meet. (WIP)

It's about to be written, but once released

I will try to link it with the domain acquired by freenom.

Jitsi Meet

A free video chat tool. Self-hosting is possible.

1. Preparation

Domain and server preparation.

Create a VM instance in Azure

Create an Ubuntu server (v18 series) on Azure.

Allow SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS ports at startup.

When you create it, a public IP address will be issued, so make a note of the address.

Get a free domain with freenom

Get a domain for free with freenom.

I got https://hogehoge-meet.cf.

Specify the IP address of the Azure VM in the DNS settings.

2. Install Jitsi on ubuntu

Install Jitsi on ubuntu via docker-compose.

2-1. Make docker-compose available

This time, install with docker-compose. From the preparation of that area

install docker

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh

sh get-docker.sh

Install docker compose

sudo apt install docker-compose -y

2-2. Download and configure Jitsi

Clone docker-jitsi-meet

Go inside the cloned folder.

git clone https://github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet && cd docker-jitsi-meet

.env settings

Work in the docker-jitsi-meet folder.

cp env.example .env
sudo vim .env


2-3. Installing Jitsi

I will drop the image.

sudo docker-compose pull

Let's launch it below.

sudo docker-compose up -d

At first glance, it looks like it's done, but it will take some time for the process to complete.


sudo docker-compose logs -f web

3 operation

When I started and accessed the address, the start screen was displayed safely.

4. If it fails

If accessing the URL does not work, edit .env again, shut down and restart.

sudo docker-compose down

I think it's mostly due to the .env setting or the firewall setting.

By the way, you can delete the whole image with --rmi all.

sudo docker-compose down --rmi all

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