[RAILS] [Note] Update to production environment (AWS EC2)


--I'm writing an application in Rails --The initial settings of AWS have been completed, the EC2 instance etc. have been started, and the application has already been deployed. --The automatic deployment settings by Capistrano have been completed.

Purpose of this article

--Since you made changes locally to the created application, you want to reflect the changes in the production environment on AWS. --I always forget how to push AWS EC2, so I want to post it instead of a memorandum


  1. Push local changes to the master branch on github

  2. Log in to EC2


~ % cd .ssh
.ssh % ssh -i example.pem ec2-user@Elastic IP of the application you want to update
  1. Move to the application repository in EC2


[ec2-user@ip-○○○-○○-○○-○○ ~]$ cd /var/www/Application name
  1. Drop the currently running server


[ec2-user@ip-○○○-○○-○○-○○ Repository name]$ ps aux | grep unicorn
「unicorn master -Find the process ID with the letter c "
[ec2-user@ip-○○○-○○-○○-○○ Repository name]$kill process ID
Run exit to log out of your EC2 instance
  1. Perform automatic deployment in the local directory of the application you want to update


Application name% bundle exec cap production deploy
  1. Access from Elastic IP. Check if the changes are reflected

that's all.

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