[LIVE] I tried to deliver the sunrise and sunset times nationwide every day


When I notice it, I often stay at home in the evening, so I want to act when it's bright. Therefore, as a preventive measure against depression peculiar to winter, I will update and display the sunrise and sunset times nationwide every day.


It's sunrise and sunset, but I'm using Ohakon address !? API.

It's a script, but ...

--Create a Qiita article

--Update Qiita articles using api

Divide it into two parts and use cron to set it to run at about 12:00 am.


Script to create Qiita article

import requests
import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from collections import namedtuple
import asyncio
import os

State = namedtuple('State', ['name', 'id', 'lat', 'lng'])

states = [
	State("Sapporo",    1, 43.06417,141.34694),
	State("Aomori City",    2, 40.82444,140.74),
	State("Morioka City",    3, 39.70361,141.1525),
	State("Sendai city",    4, 38.26889,140.87194),
	State("Akita City",    5, 39.71861,140.1025),
	State("Yamagata City",    6, 38.24056,140.36333),
	State("Fukushima City",    7, 37.75,140.46778),
	State("Mito City",    8, 36.34139,140.44667),
	State("Utsunomiya City",   9, 36.56583,139.88361),
	State("Maebashi",    10, 36.39111,139.06083),
	State("Saitama City", 11, 35.85694,139.64889),
	State("Chiba",    12, 35.60472,140.12333),
	State("Shinjuku ward",    13, 35.68944,139.69167),
	State("Yokohama",    14, 35.44778,139.6425),
	State("Niigata City",    15, 37.90222,139.02361),
	State("Toyama City",    16, 36.69528,137.21139),
	State("Kanazawa",    17, 36.59444,136.62556),
	State("Fukui City",    18, 36.06528,136.22194),
	State("Kofu City",    19, 35.66389,138.56833),
	State("Nagano city",    20, 36.65139,138.18111),
	State("Gifu City",    21, 35.39111,136.72222),
	State("Shizuoka City",    22, 34.97694,138.38306),
	State("Nagoya city",  23, 35.18028,136.90667),
	State("Tsu city",     24, 34.73028,136.50861),
	State("Otsu City",   25, 35.00444,135.86833),
	State("Kyoto City",   26,35.02139,135.75556),
	State("Osaka City",   27,34.68639,135.52),
	State("Kobe City",   28,34.69139,135.18306),
	State("Nara city",   29,34.68528,135.83278),
	State("Wakayama City",  30, 34.22611,135.1675),
	State("Tottori City",   31,35.50361,134.23833),
	State("Matsue",   32,35.47222,133.05056),
	State("Okayama City",   33,34.66167,133.935),
	State("Hiroshima city",   34,34.39639,132.45944),
	State("Yamaguchi City",   35,34.18583,131.47139),
	State("Tokushima City",   36,34.06583,134.55944),
	State("Takamatsu City",   37,34.34028,134.04333),
	State("Matsuyama City",   38,33.84167,132.76611),
	State("Kochi City",   39,33.55972,133.53111),
	State("Fukuoka City",   40,33.60639,130.41806),
	State("Saga City",   41,33.24944,130.29889),
	State("Nagasaki City",   42,32.74472,129.87361),
	State("Kumamoto City",   43,32.78972,130.74167),
	State("Oita City",   44,33.23806,131.6125),
	State("Miyazaki City",   45,31.91111,131.42389),
	State("Kagoshima City", 46,31.56028,130.55806),
	State("Naha city",   47,26.2125,127.68111)

async def get_time_sun_rise_set(year, month, day, state):
    url = 'http://labs.bitmeister.jp/ohakon/api/?'
    payload = {'mode':'sun_moon_rise_set', 'year':year, 'month':month, 'day':day, 'lat':state.lat, 'lng':state.lng}
    response = requests.get(url, params=payload)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

    sunrise = datetime.datetime.strptime(soup.sunrise_hm.text,'%H:%M')
    sunset = datetime.datetime.strptime(soup.sunset_hm.text,'%H:%M')

    diff_seconds = (sunset - sunrise).total_seconds()
    diff_hours = int(diff_seconds // (60 * 60))
    diff_minutes = int((diff_seconds - diff_hours * (60 * 60)) / 60)

    return state.name, soup.sunrise_hm.text, soup.sunset_hm.text, "{:02d}:{:02d}".format(diff_hours, diff_minutes)

def write_session(foutobj, path):
	with open(path, "r", encoding='utf-8') as fin:

if __name__ == "__main__":
	now = datetime.datetime.now()
	output = "./article.md"
	base_folder = "./templates/"

	loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
	cors = [get_time_sun_rise_set(now.year, now.month, now.day, s) for s in states]
	result = loop.run_until_complete(
	build_parts = ["motive.md", "method.md", "development.md", "contents.md", "future.md", "reference.md"]

	with open("./templates/contents.md", "w", encoding='utf-8') as fout:
		fout.write("# Sunrize/Sunset\n\n")
		fout.write("{}\n\n".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("【%Y/%m/%d %H:%Updated at M]")))
		fout.write("|city|sunrize|sunset|hours of sunlight|\n")
		for r in result:

	with open(output, "w", encoding='utf-8') as fout:
		for p in build_parts:
			write_session(fout, os.path.join(base_folder, p))

The time of sunrise and sunset is output using the API with get_time_sun_rise_set (). When setting the request, payload = {'mode':'sun_moon_rise_set','year': year,'month': month,'day': day,'lat': state.lat,'lng': state. Use the date and latitude / longitude parameters as in lng} .

Also, asynchronous processing ʻasyncio` is used just in case to get each api acquisition stably.

	loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
	cors = [get_time_sun_rise_set(now.year, now.month, now.day, s) for s in states]
	result = loop.run_until_complete(

Also, to make it easier to edit later, the sentences in each section are divided and finally aggregated. When simply reading and writing a file, ʻopen (path,'r')was fine, but when executing withcron, an error occurs in the character code. So you need to explicitly set ʻencoding ='utf-8' in the argument. (Refer to What to do when UnicodeDecodeError occurs due to file I / O)

	build_parts = ["motive.md", "method.md", "development.md", "contents.md", "future.md", "reference.md"]
	with open(output, "w", encoding='utf-8') as fout:
		for p in build_parts:
			write_session(fout, os.path.join(base_folder, p))

Update Qiita articles using api

import json
import requests

if __name__ == "__main__":
	BASE_URL = "https://qiita.com/api/v2/items/"
	TOKEN = "--Access token--"
	headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {TOKEN}", "Content-Type":"application/json"}

	sentence = ""
	with open("article.md", "r", encoding='utf-8') as fin:
		sentence = fin.read()

	contents = {"title": "[LIVE] I tried to deliver the sunrise and sunset times nationwide every day",
				"tags": [{"name": "Python"},
				"body": sentence,

	res = requests.patch(BASE_URL + contents["id"], headers=headers, json=contents)

Issue Access Token is required to use the Qiita API, and is required when requesting the API with requests. You can update the content with requests.patch ({content URL}, {header}, {content content}).


[Updated at 01:00 on 2020/06/05]

city sunrize sunset hours of sunlight
Sapporo 3:56 19:10 15:14
Aomori City 4:06 19:05 14:59
Morioka City 4:08 19:00 14:52
Sendai city 4:13 18:57 14:44
Akita City 4:12 19:04 14:52
Yamagata City 4:15 18:59 14:44
Fukushima City 4:16 18:57 14:41
Mito City 4:20 18:53 14:33
Utsunomiya City 4:22 18:56 14:34
Maebashi 4:26 18:59 14:33
Saitama City 4:25 18:55 14:30
Chiba 4:24 18:52 14:28
Shinjuku ward 4:25 18:54 14:29
Yokohama 4:26 18:54 14:28
Niigata City 4:21 19:03 14:42
Toyama City 4:32 19:07 14:35
Kanazawa 4:35 19:09 14:34
Fukui City 4:38 19:09 14:31
Kofu City 4:30 18:59 14:29
Nagano city 4:28 19:03 14:35
Gifu City 4:38 19:05 14:27
Shizuoka City 4:32 18:58 14:26
Nagoya city 4:37 19:04 14:27
Tsu city 4:40 19:04 14:24
Otsu City 4:42 19:08 14:26
Kyoto City 4:43 19:08 14:25
Osaka City 4:44 19:08 14:24
Kobe City 4:46 19:10 14:24
Nara city 4:43 19:07 14:24
Wakayama City 4:47 19:08 14:21
Tottori City 4:47 19:16 14:29
Matsue 4:52 19:20 14:28
Okayama City 4:51 19:15 14:24
Hiroshima city 4:57 19:20 14:23
Yamaguchi City 5:02 19:23 14:21
Tokushima City 4:50 19:10 14:20
Takamatsu City 4:51 19:13 14:22
Matsuyama City 4:58 19:17 14:19
Kochi City 4:55 19:13 14:18
Fukuoka City 5:08 19:26 14:18
Saga City 5:09 19:25 14:16
Nagasaki City 5:12 19:26 14:14
Kumamoto City 5:08 19:22 14:14
Oita City 5:04 19:20 14:16
Miyazaki City 5:08 19:18 14:10
Kagoshima City 5:12 19:20 14:08
Naha city 5:36 19:19 13:43


If you output the sunrise and sunset times nationwide, you can see that the time difference is about 30 to 60 minutes, and the sunshine hours are about 30 to 60 minutes.


-Ohakon address !? API -QiitaAPI-Post -[How to perform the same process as the curl command in Python](https://intellectual-curiosity.tokyo/2019/08/31/python%E3%81%A7curl%E3%82%B3%E3%83% 9E% E3% 83% B3% E3% 83% 89% E3% 81% A8% E5% 90% 8C% E7% AD% 89% E3% 81% AE% E5% 87% A6% E7% 90% 86% E3% 82% 92% E5% AE% 9F% E8% A1% 8C% E3% 81% 99% E3% 82% 8B% E6% 96% B9% E6% B3% 95 /) -Automate posting with Qiita API

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