[JAVA] [Gang of Four] Design pattern learning --Builder


** Table of Contents ** If Abstract Factory is a factory as its name suggests and provides the function to manufacture each part, this pattern is a combination of parts ** product ( What is the image of ** mass-producing ** (composite objects) **?


By making the creation process of a composite object independent of the expression format, it is possible to generate objects with different expression formats in the same creation process.


-Abstract class for generating the Builder Product class -ConcreteBuilder Concrete Builder class. Generate Product class -Create an object using the interface of the Director Builder class -Product A composite object consisting of many components


Creators will create a city with the following flow.

Ask a professional builder to build the building you want to build-> Decide the number of floors and rooms in the building-> Ask them to build as many as you want

Abstract class for generating Builder Product class

Builder interface


package builder

interface Builder {
    enum class ProductType(val value: String) {
        MovieTheater("Movie theater")

    fun getProduct(): Product
    fun addFloor(floorNum: Int)
    fun addRoom(targetFloor: Int, roomNo: Int)


ConcreteBuilder ConcreteBuilder class. Generate Product class

Museum specialist builder concrete class


package builder

class MuseumBuilder(productName: String): Builder {
    private var product = Product(Builder.ProductType.Museum, productName)

    override fun getProduct(): Product {
        return product.clone() as Product

    override fun addFloor(floorNum: Int) {
        if (product.floorList.asSequence().filter { floor -> floor.floorNum == floorNum }.count() == 0) {

    override fun addRoom(targetFloor: Int, roomNo: Int) {
        val floor= product.floorList.filter { floor -> floor.floorNum== targetFloor }
        if (floor.count() > 0) {


Museum specialist builder concrete class


package builder

class ArtMuseumBuilder(productName: String) : Builder {
    private var product = Product(Builder.ProductType.ArtMuseum, productName)

    override fun getProduct(): Product {
        return product.clone() as Product

    override fun addFloor(floorNum: Int) {
        if (product.floorList.asSequence().filter { floor -> floor.floorNum == floorNum }.count() == 0) {

    override fun addRoom(targetFloor: Int, roomNo: Int) {
        val floor= product.floorList.filter { floor -> floor.floorNum== targetFloor }
        if (floor.count() > 0) {


Movie theater specialist builder concrete class


package builder

class MovieTheaterBuilder(productName: String): Builder {
    private var product = Product(Builder.ProductType.MovieTheater, productName)

    override fun getProduct(): Product {
        return product.clone() as Product

    override fun addFloor(floorNum: Int) {
        if (product.floorList.asSequence().filter { floor -> floor.floorNum == floorNum }.count() == 0) {

    override fun addRoom(targetFloor: Int, roomNo: Int) {
        val floor= product.floorList.filter { floor -> floor.floorNum== targetFloor }
        if (floor.count() > 0) {


You can skip the section from the building to the room.

Product A composite object consisting of many components

Building class


package builder

class Product(productType: Builder.ProductType, productName: String): Cloneable {

    var productType = productType
    val floorList: MutableList<Floor> = mutableListOf()
    var productName = productName
    var productNumber = 0

    fun countUpProductNumber() {

    fun show(): String {
        var ret = "【building】${productType.value}:$productName$productNumber Building"
        for (floor in floorList) {
            ret += floor.show()
        return ret

    public override fun clone(): Any {
        return super.clone()


Hierarchical class 1st floor 2nd floor ...


package builder

class Floor(floorNum: Int) {
    var floorNum = floorNum
    private val roomList:MutableList<Room> = mutableListOf()

    fun addRoom(roomNo: Int) {
        if (roomList.asSequence().filter { room -> room.roomNo == roomNo }.count() == 0) {

    fun show(): String {
        var ret: String = "【hierarchy】$floorNum floor"
        for (room in roomList) {
            ret += room.show()
        return ret

Room class


package builder

class Room(roomNo: Int) {
    val roomNo = roomNo

    fun show(): String {
        return "【room】$roomNo room"

Create an object using the interface of the Director Builder class

City maker class


package builder

class Creator {
    init {
        var productList:MutableList<Product> = mutableListOf()

        //Ask a museum specialist to build the Western Art Museum
        var artMuseumBuilder1 = ArtMuseumBuilder("National Museum of Western Art").apply {
            addRoom(1, 101)
            addRoom(1, 102)
            addRoom(2, 201)
            addRoom(3, 301)
        //Ask a museum specialist builder to build the Oriental Museum
        var artMuseumBuilder2 = ArtMuseumBuilder("Museum of Oriental Ceramics").apply {
            addRoom(1, 101)
            addRoom(2, 201)

        //Ask a museum specialist to build a national museum
        var museumBuilder = MuseumBuilder("National Museum").apply {
            addRoom(1, 101)
        //Ask a movie theater specialist to build Hoge Cinemas
        var movieTheaterBuilder = MovieTheaterBuilder("HOGE Cinemas").apply {
            addRoom(1, 101)

        //Creating a list to build in the city

        for (product in productList) {


Creators think about what kind of building they want to build in the city, ask each builder to build as much as they need. Was it easier to understand if it was a convenience store?

It's a simple structure because it can't be helped to make it too much, but if you let the Product class hold the address property and make it build `getProduct ()` each time you can set the address property, it will be more image. Was it easy?

With the above, the purpose of ** mass-producing ** products (composite objects) ** has been achieved. I want to add another movie theater in the middle of building a town! You can also ** duplicate (mass) ** the same building by calling `movieTheaterBuilder.getProduct ()`. The `` `return product.clone () as Product``` of each Builder # getProduct () method does a good job.

Output result

[Building] Museum:The 1st floor of the National Museum of Western Art [Level] 1st floor [Room] Room 101 [Room] Room 102 [Level] 2nd floor [Room] Room 201 [Level] 3rd floor [Room] Room 301
[Building] Museum:The National Museum of Western Art, 2nd floor [Level] 1st floor [Room] Room 101 [Room] Room 102 [Level] 2nd floor [Room] Room 201 [Level] 3rd floor [Room] Room 301
[Building] Museum:The 3rd building of the National Museum of Western Art [Level] 1st floor [Room] Room 101 [Room] Room 102 [Level] 2nd floor [Room] Room 201 [Level] 3rd floor [Room] Room 301
[Building] Museum:The Museum of Oriental Ceramics 1st Building [Level] 1st floor [Room] Room 101 [Level] 2nd floor [Room] Room 201
[Building] Museum:The Museum of Oriental Ceramics 2nd Building [Level] 1st floor [Room] Room 101 [Level] 2nd floor [Room] Room 201
[Building] Museum:National Museum 1st Building [Level] 1st Floor [Room] Room 101
[Building] Movie theater:HOGE Cinemas 1st Building [Level] 1st Floor [Room] Room 101

If you don't do ``` product.clone ()` ``, you will get the following result, and you will end up with a useless builder.

[Building] Museum:The 3rd building of the National Museum of Western Art...
[Building] Museum:The 3rd building of the National Museum of Western Art...
[Building] Museum:The 3rd building of the National Museum of Western Art...
[Building] Museum:The second building of the Oriental Museum...
[Building] Museum:The second building of the Oriental Museum...
[Building] Museum:National Museum 1st Building...
[Building] Movie theater:HOGE Cinemas 1...

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