JAVA constructor call processing

Thank you. Below, I will write an article for my memo.

First, create for the main process

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Instance creation and assignment to variables
        Sample sample = new Sample();

        System.out.println("name:" +;

Next, create that calls the constructor

class Sample {
    //Definition of constants
    public String name;

    //Constructor definition
    Sample() { = "Let's go";

On the 4th line of

Sample sample = new Sample();

Execute the constructor of (lines 6-8 of

Then on line 6 of

System.out.println("name:" +;

In this process, it was set by the constructor of

Outputs the name (with "Let's" set in the contents) to the console of the processing result.

The result of compiling and running the two java files is ...

Name: Let's go

It will be.

I feel like I was able to call the constant as private ... Please point out if there is any better way to write it.

Excuse me.

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