[Kotlin] Get Java Constructor / Method from KFunction and call it

KFunction, which is a method / constructor in the reflection of Kotlin, has various parts abstracted and is easy to use from the application. On the other hand, compared to the case of directly calling Constructor / Method of Java, KFunction has a problem that the call is slow due to the overhead due to abstraction.

In this article, to avoid this overhead, we will summarize the pattern of getting the Constructor / Method of Java and calling it directly for each definition of KFunction. The versions are Kotlin 1.4.10 / Java8 respectively.


Before getting into the main subject, I will write about kotlin.reflect.KFunction and java.lang.reflect.Constructor / java.lang.reflect.Method.

As the package name suggests, the former is a function in the reflection of Kotlin. In Kotlin, methods and constructors can be treated as the same KFunction. KFunction can use default arguments by calling callBy or, under certain conditions, can ignore instance arguments in Method.invoke of Java.

The latter is a function in the reflection of Java. Since Constructor and Method are separated as types, they cannot be treated in the same way, and Method requires instance parameters ( null for static method, and instances otherwise).

The reason I wrote at the beginning, "The call of KFunction is slower than the case of directly calling Constructor / Method of Java" does not use the default argument (= all parameters are aligned) This is a comparison between calling KFunction.call and calling Constructor.newInstance / Method.invoke.


There are roughly two types of function definition methods, and four types in detail, each of which is summarized.

--Constructor --Other than the constructor

The following code was used for verification.

The whole program used for verification
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import kotlin.reflect.KFunction
import kotlin.reflect.full.companionObject
import kotlin.reflect.full.companionObjectInstance
import kotlin.reflect.full.functions
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaConstructor
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaMethod

class CallJavaReflectionTest {
    data class ConstructorSample(val foo: Int, val bar: String)

    fun instanceMethodSample(foo: Int, bar: String): ConstructorSample = ConstructorSample(foo, bar)

    companion object {
        fun companionObjectFunctionSample(foo: Int, bar: String): ConstructorSample = ConstructorSample(foo, bar)

        fun staticMethodSample(foo: Int, bar: String): ConstructorSample = ConstructorSample(foo, bar)

    val expected = ConstructorSample(1, "2")

    @DisplayName("For constructor")
    fun constructorTest() {
        val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = ::ConstructorSample
        assertEquals(expected, function.call(1, "2"))

        val javaConstructor: Constructor<ConstructorSample> = function.javaConstructor!!
        assertEquals(expected, javaConstructor.newInstance(1, "2"))

    @DisplayName("For instance functions")
    fun instanceMethodTest() {
        val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = this::instanceMethodSample
        assertEquals(expected, function.call(1, "2"))

        val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
        assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(this, 1, "2"))

    @DisplayName("For methods defined on companion objects")
    inner class CompanionObjectFunctionTest {
        @DisplayName("When obtained by method reference")
        fun byMethodReferenceTest() {
            val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = (CallJavaReflectionTest)::companionObjectFunctionSample
            //No instance parameters required when retrieved with method reference
            assertEquals(expected, function.call(1, "2"))

            val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
            assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance!!, 1, "2"))

        @DisplayName("When acquired by reflection")
        fun byReflectionTest() {
            val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObject!!
                .functions.first { it.name == "companionObjectFunctionSample" }
                .let { it as KFunction<ConstructorSample> }
            //Instance parameter required when acquired by reflection
            assertEquals(expected, function.call(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance, 1, "2"))

            val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
            assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance!!, 1, "2"))

    @DisplayName("For the method defined in the companion object (with JvmStatic specified)")
    inner class StaticMethodTest {
        @DisplayName("When obtained by method reference")
        fun byMethodReferenceTest() {
            val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = (CallJavaReflectionTest)::staticMethodSample
            assertEquals(expected, function.call(1, "2"))

            val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
            assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance!!, 1, "2"))

        @DisplayName("When obtained by reflection from a companion object")
        fun byReflectionTest() {
            val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObject!!
                .functions.first { it.name == "staticMethodSample" }
                .let { it as KFunction<ConstructorSample> }
            //Instance parameter required when acquired by reflection
            assertEquals(expected, function.call(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance, 1, "2"))

            val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
            assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance!!, 1, "2"))

For constructor

If the generator of KFunction is a constructor, you can getConstructor with KFunction.javaConstructor. Since the constructor does not require instance parameters etc., you can call Constructor.newInstance in the same way as KFunction.call.

class CallJavaReflectionTest {
    data class ConstructorSample(val foo: Int, val bar: String)

    val expected = ConstructorSample(1, "2")

    @DisplayName("For constructor")
    fun constructorTest() {
        val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = ::ConstructorSample
        assertEquals(expected, function.call(1, "2"))

        val javaConstructor: Constructor<ConstructorSample> = function.javaConstructor!!
        assertEquals(expected, javaConstructor.newInstance(1, "2"))

Other than the constructor

If the generator of KFunction is other than the constructor, you can getMethod with KFunction.javaMethod. As mentioned above, you need an instance parameter (null for static method, instance otherwise) to call Method.

Here, in cases other than the constructor, the method of acquiring an instance from KFunction is not disclosed regardless of the generation method, so even if the instance parameter is omitted in KFunction.call, from KFunction alone. You cannot call Method.invoke [^ instance_hosoku]. Even if you add JvmStatic, you cannot call Method.invoke with the instance parameter as null because it is the definition to companion object that can be acquired by the method of acquiring as KFunction.

[^ instance_hosoku]: As long as the instance parameter can be omitted in KFunction.call, it is considered that the instance information is held internally in some way, but it is exposed in the interface of KFunction. Since KFunctionImpl, which is an implementation class of KFunction, is a ʻinternal` class, we judge that it will be true black magic if we chase it any further, and here we conclude that we cannot.

Therefore, in order to call Method from KFunction obtained from other than the constructor, it is necessary to prepare an instance separately.

For instance functions

class CallJavaReflectionTest {
    data class ConstructorSample(val foo: Int, val bar: String)

    fun instanceMethodSample(foo: Int, bar: String): ConstructorSample = ConstructorSample(foo, bar)

    val expected = ConstructorSample(1, "2")

    @DisplayName("For instance functions")
    fun instanceMethodTest() {
        val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = this::instanceMethodSample
        assertEquals(expected, function.call(1, "2"))

        val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
        assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(this, 1, "2"))

For functions defined on companion objects

class CallJavaReflectionTest {
    data class ConstructorSample(val foo: Int, val bar: String)

    companion object {
        fun companionObjectFunctionSample(foo: Int, bar: String): ConstructorSample = ConstructorSample(foo, bar)

    val expected = ConstructorSample(1, "2")

    @DisplayName("For methods defined on companion objects")
    inner class CompanionObjectFunctionTest {
        @DisplayName("When obtained by method reference")
        fun byMethodReferenceTest() {
            val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = (CallJavaReflectionTest)::companionObjectFunctionSample
            //No instance parameters required when retrieved with method reference
            assertEquals(expected, function.call(1, "2"))

            val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
            assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance!!, 1, "2"))

        @DisplayName("When acquired by reflection")
        fun byReflectionTest() {
            val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObject!!
                .functions.first { it.name == "companionObjectFunctionSample" }
                .let { it as KFunction<ConstructorSample> }
            //Instance parameter required when acquired by reflection
            assertEquals(expected, function.call(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance, 1, "2"))

            val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
            assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance!!, 1, "2"))

For companion objects (with @JvmStatic) [^ static_hosoku]

[^ static_hosoku]: As summarized in this article, the functions defined on Kotlin cannot be obtained by static Functions, so in this example It is omitted.

class CallJavaReflectionTest {
    data class ConstructorSample(val foo: Int, val bar: String)

    companion object {
        fun staticMethodSample(foo: Int, bar: String): ConstructorSample = ConstructorSample(foo, bar)

    val expected = ConstructorSample(1, "2")

    @DisplayName("For the method defined in the companion object (with JvmStatic specified)")
    inner class StaticMethodTest {
        @DisplayName("When obtained by method reference")
        fun byMethodReferenceTest() {
            val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = (CallJavaReflectionTest)::staticMethodSample
            assertEquals(expected, function.call(1, "2"))

            val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
            assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance!!, 1, "2"))

        @DisplayName("When obtained by reflection from a companion object")
        fun byReflectionTest() {
            val function: KFunction<ConstructorSample> = CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObject!!
                .functions.first { it.name == "staticMethodSample" }
                .let { it as KFunction<ConstructorSample> }
            //Instance parameter required when acquired by reflection
            assertEquals(expected, function.call(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance, 1, "2"))

            val javaMethod: Method = function.javaMethod!!
            assertEquals(expected, javaMethod.invoke(CallJavaReflectionTest::class.companionObjectInstance!!, 1, "2"))


In this article, in order to avoid the call overhead of KFunction, we have summarized the pattern to getConstructor / Method of Java for each definition of KFunction and call it directly. As a result of verification, it was concluded that in the case of a constructor, Constructor.newInstance can be called from a single KFunction, and in other cases, Method.invoke can be called only if the instance can be obtained separately. I did.

It seems that it is easiest to use KFunction.callBy if you just want to make a tool that works, but if you want to make a tool regardless of execution speed, you can call Constructor / Method directly. You may try it.

I hope this article has helped you.

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