Memorandum No.4 "Get a character string and decorate it" [Java]

What you want to do

  1. Receive one character string of any number of characters
  2. Output with the appearance of surrounding the received character string with "+"

Example. If you receive the string "SUN"

+++++ +SUN+ +++++


        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        String word = sc.nextLine();
        int wordNum = word.length();//Number of characters in a word
        int lineNum = wordNum + 2;//Number of characters required to enclose a word

        Character [][] plus = new Character[3][lineNum];//
        for(int i = 0; i < plus.length; i ++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < plus[i].length; j++) {
                plus[i][j] = '+';
                for(int k = 0; k < word.length(); k++) {
                    int l = k + 1;
                    plus[1][l] = word.charAt(k);//Extract the letters of the word one by one in a loop and update the elements to be enclosed


I feel like I've made it quite a bit. I tried using a triple loop (or rather), but I didn't know if I would use it like this, so I used it.

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