[SWIFT] Get an image as a character string (resource name) and paste it into ImageView (kotiln)

Articles I wrote earlier Code to paste to ImageView by specifying the image name as a character string (android)

I had LGTM for this, so I looked at it, but it was subtle, so I will rewrite it (in addition, with kotlin) There is a method in swift to set an image in ImageView from the resource name, but it is unlikely in kotlin.

By the way, in swift

imageView.image = UIImage(named:"hoge.png ")

You can set an image in imageView like this.

Let's reproduce something similar with kotlin.

Get resourceId from string


fun String.getResourceId(context: Context): Int {
    return context.resources.getIdentifier(this, "drawable", context.packageName)

I have defined an extension class for String

Set the image in ImageView


fun ImageView.setImageResourceByName(name: String) {

You have defined an extension for the ImageView class.

Example of use

    private fun setImage() {
        val imageView = ImageView(this)

ImageView is dynamically added to parent_view

If you write it like kotlin

    private fun setImage() {
            ImageView(this).apply {

Is it like this? At first I thought it was hard to see, but I personally like it because the responsibility of "adding an image to parent_view" can be expressed as a whole.

Comparison with swift


imageView.image = UIImage(named:"some_image_name_string.png ")



I think it looks a lot like that. You can use it as it is by copying and pasting the two extensions of String and ImageView defined above.

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