With Ubuntu20.04 Even if you press the "half-width / full-width key" when you want to type Japanese, the alphabetical notation does not change! I encountered the problem and solved it, so I will write down how to do it.
Note: English is specified for the Language of Ubuntu 20.04.
From the conclusion, With the introduction of Japanese (Mozc), Japanese input became possible.
When I couldn't input Japanese, only Japanese was specified for Input sources as shown below. ** Why can't I input Japanese even though it contains Japanese! I was quite confused by things like **, but It seems to be solved by introducing something called Japanese (Mozc).
With the above procedure, Japanese (Mozc) has been added to Input Sources.
As a supplement, check that there is such a description in the upper right of the screen and it is Japanese (Mozc).
With the above procedure, you can switch between alphabet and hiragana notation using the "half-width / full-width key".
Google Japanese Input is available on Android, Chrome OS and Windows. For Linux, please use the open source version of Mozc. Google Japanese Input
Pure Japanese, which is not Japanese (Mozc), seems to have only the function of "recognizing the keyboard as a Japanese keyboard (JIS keyboard) instead of US". And in Japanese (Mozc), in addition to this, I interpret that "a function to input Japanese such as hiragana" will be provided.
-Google Japanese Input -Ubuntu 18.04: Input Japanese with iBus + Mozc
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