[Machine learning] Try studying random forest

What is Random Forest?

Random Forest is an ensemble algorithm often used in machine learning. This is an ensemble learning method that improves accuracy by combining the supervised learning model ** decision tree **. As shown in the figure below, it is called a random forest because it has a forest-like structure that combines the results of multiple trees. One of the characteristics of decision trees is that they are ** easy to overfit **. Random forests can reduce the effects of overfitting on that decision tree.

Screenshot 2019-11-25 at 14.23.23.png

Random forest algorithm

  1. Randomly select k features from a sample dataset with m features.
  2. Make a decision tree using k features.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 n times while changing the combination of features (or randomly changing the subset used ** boosttrap ample **) to make n decision trees.
  4. In the classification problem, the mode of the results of all decision trees is output, and in the regression problem, the average value of the results of all decision trees is output as the final result.

Random Forest Pros and Cons


--Can be used for both regression and classification. --The effects of overfitting can be reduced. --The model is unlikely to be affected by slight fluctuations in the input data.


—— Data with too much noise will overfit. --Complicated calculation than decision tree. --The calculation time is long.

scikit-learn random forest

import sklearn.ensemble
rf = sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier()
rf.fit(train_X, train_y)

Random Forest parameters

Parameters- Overview option Default
criterion Split criteria "gini", "entropy" "gini"
splitter Split selection strategy "best", "random" "best"
max_depth The deepest depth of the tree int None
min_samples_split Minimum sample size of post-split node(Smaller tends to overfit) int(The number of samples)/float(Percentage of all samples) 2
min_samples_leaf leaf(Last node)Minimum sample size required for(Smaller tends to overfit) int/float 2
max_features Number of features used for division(The larger it is, the more likely it is to overfit) int/float, auto, log2 None
class_weight Class weight "balanced", none none
presort Pre-sorting data(Calculation speed changes depending on the data size) bool False
min_impurity_decrease Limit impureness and control node elongation float 0.
boostrap Whether to use a subset of samples when building a decision tree bool 1
oob_score Whether to use samples not used in bootstrap for accuracy evaluation bool False
n_jobs Whether to parallelize the processor with predict and fit(-1)Use all at the time 0,1,-1 0
random_state Seed used when generating random numbers int none
verbose Verbalization of results 1/0 0

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