Implement sum in Python

Try to implement the summation formula

\sum_{i=m}^{n} f(x) = f(m) + f(m+1) + \cdots + f(n) \\

def sigma(m, n, func, s = 0) :
    if m > n: return s
    return sigma(m + 1, n, func, s + func(m))

Example of use

print(sigma(1, 10, lambda x : x))

print(sigma(1, 3, lambda x : 3 * 5 ** (x - 1)))

I found a suitable problem on the Web and entered it, but it seems to work properly. There may be a more efficient writing style, a more fashionable writing style, or something that has already been prepared.


Since there is a mathematical function library called NumPy, most of the formulas seem to be complete. .. ..

Introduction to Python Numerical Library NumPy

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