A generic implementation of bots for Slack's Outgoing Webhooks in Python, "djehuty/[djehuty-slack](https://github.com/xica/ djehuty-slack) "has been released so I'll share it.
I wanted to use an in-house, Python-implemented server-side module directly from the bot.
Before preparing a bot, it is necessary to make settings for interacting with the bot on the Slack side in the first place. One of Slack's integrations is "Outgoing Webhooks", which is a mechanism for POST requesting input starting with a specific word to a specified URL. djehuty uses this integration.
In the Outgoing Webhooks settings, you can set the channel, trigger word, etc. to enable this integration. If you have a Slack account, you can probably choose to add an integration from here.
Outgoing Webhooks are near the bottom of the list.
djehuty recognizes the first ASCII string found after the trigger word set here as the command line. For example, if you set "mybot:" in the trigger word, then in Slack
mybot:yo -g hello
If you enter, etc., djehuty will recognize it as the command line "yo -g hello". For the URL, you can set the URL of the application server you prepared with'/ slack' added later.
You can also see the token on this screen to indicate that it's from a request from your Slack account. Since the implementation of djehuty-slack also checks this token and checks the request, it is good to check the token in advance here.
djehuty (Jeffty) is a Python package to help implement application servers that specialize in supporting so-called web hooks. Currently, it has very low functionality, but as a feature,
Djehuty-slack is already implemented as a service, so if you use this, you can easily make a bot that returns some response corresponding to Slack's Outgoing Webhooks. Can be prepared in.
Regarding the package name, since it was implemented based on pyramid, I decided to make it an Egyptian (mythology) related name [thoth](http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%88%E3%83% BC% E3% 83% 88) was being implemented as if it was the most suitable, but since the package with the same name was already registered in PyPI, it ended up being another name djehuty.
Basically it is not recommended because the documents are not available.
For the time being, djehuty implements pyramid scaffold, so you can easily create a project using it and start it as a pyramid app.
$ pip install djehuty
$ pcreate -s djehuty_server PROJECT_NAME
$ pserve development.ini
In order to run as a Slack bot, it is necessary to set the corresponding service and environment variables as described in the djehuty and djehuty-slack README.
The files generated by djehuty's scaffold also include settings for Heroku (requirements.txt, Procfile, ini file for Heroku), so this is your own on the assumption that you will support SSL etc. It's easier than preparing an environment with.
$ pip install djehuty
$ pcreate -s djehuty_server PROJECT_NAME
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
I will omit the deployment to Heroku and the setting of environment variables.
The djehuty-sample repository for the sample is [Heroku Button](https://blog.heroku.com/archives/2014/8/7/heroku- button) is supported, and djehuty-sample has already specified djehuty-slack as a service to use, so if you have a Heroku account, you can prepare a chat bot server for Slack with the touch of a button. However, considering that you will edit the code later to add commands etc., it is better to fork once before deploying.
When deploying with Heroku Button, you will be asked to set environment variables for djehuty-slack, so set the token that can be confirmed in the Outgoing Webhooks settings here.
Regardless of which method you use to prepare the server, don't forget to specify the URL of the server you prepared with'/ slack' added to the URL setting of Outgoing Webhooks.
If Slack is set up and the djehuty server is set up correctly, the command should work. If you have tried djehuty-sample, the yo command and lgtm command should be enabled, so enter the following on the channel specified in the settings, and the character string yo will be returned [LGTM]( If the image of http://www.lgtm.in/) is returned randomly, it is successful.
Regardless of which method you use to prepare the server, the Python package for the application server is at hand, so you can add bot functionality by implementing commands in it.
The command implementation inherits the class provided by djehuty and implements the command class and uses it as setuptools entry_points It is enabled by registering in -and-plugins).
A class called djehuty.command.Command is defined in djehuty. djehuty uses a framework called cliff for command line management, and djehuty.command.Command is considered to be almost the same as cliff.command.Command. You can. So basically the command class implementation follows cliff's documentation.
Since the actual command name is specified in the entry_points registration described later, the name of the class to be implemented by yourself does not have to be the same.
The concrete class of djehuty.command.Command is expected to implement a method called take_action, and djehuty uses the value returned by this method as a response message to Slack (this is what cliff expects). Different). For example, the implementation that returns the string "yo" with a mention to the input user is as follows.
from djehuty.command import Command
class Yo(Command):
'''echo yo''' #cliff uses class documentation as help
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
return '@{} yo'.format(self.app_args.user)
parsed_args will be described later. self.app_args contains arguments common to services, in the case of Slack, the name of the user entered in user and the name of the channel entered in room.
Basically, this is the only command implementation.
Commands come with arguments so that they can be given dynamic values. djehuty (or cliff) also supports argument implementation, so you can declaratively add arguments to your own commands.
from djehuty.command import Command
class Yo(Command):
'''echo yo'''
def get_parser(self, prog_name):
parser = Command.get_parser(self, prog_name)
parser.add_argument('-g', '--greeting',
help='greeting message')
return parser
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
return '@{} {}'.format(self.app_args.user, parsed_args.greeting)
If you implement a method called get_parser in the concrete class of djehuty.command.Command, the input string is evaluated according to the implementation, and the argument is passed to take_action as parsed_args and can be used.
get_parser is basically
It is in the form of. Since parser is an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser and parsed_args is argparse.Namespace, refer to the argparse documentation for the argument definition and how to get the value itself. thing. I think you can get a basic idea of how to use it with just the above code, but there are many more advanced definitions.
djehuty.command.Command is recognized and enabled by djehuty by registering it in the entry_points mechanism of setuptools as described above. Registration simply adds the description to setup.py, so if you implement the Misawa and Hartman commands in commands.py in a package called mydjehuty, the entry_points argument for setup in mydjehuty / setup.py is: become that way.
# ...
'djehuty.commands': [
'misawa = mydjehuty.commands:Misawa',
'hartman = mydjehuty.commands:Hartman',
As the value of list with'djehuty.commands' as the key
'Command name when actually using=Modules implemented(file name):Implemented class name'
You just have to add the character string.
Installing djehuty installs not only the framework code and pyramid scaffold, but also a CLI called djehuty. Since this is a CLI that takes over only the POST request and response parts, the behavior of the implemented command can be emulated on the console.
$ djehuty yo
However, you need to explicitly specify the arguments common to services such as those implemented in services such as djehuty-slack.
$ djehuty -u kiri yo
@kiri yo
It is possible to implement a Python package that implements only commands as well as within your own application server, and scaffold is also available for that purpose.
$ pcreate -s djehuty_command YOUR_COMMAND_PROJECT_NAME
If the implementation can be published with functions that do not depend on a specific organization, it can also be published as a command package using this.
If you can deploy the package containing the implemented command to the application server and run the implemented command from Slack, it will be successful. Feel free to implement your favorite features in Python for a good Slack life.
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