Caesar cipher encrypts by shifting the alphabet by a certain number of characters. If the number of shifts is n, it is called ROT N. For example, when it is 3, it is ROT3.
def encrypt(plain_text, shift_num):
cipher = "" #Cryptogram
for char in plain_text:
if(char.isupper()): #When capitalized
cipher += chr((ord(char) + shift_num - 65) % 26 + 65)
else: #In lowercase
cipher += chr((ord(char) + shift_num - 97) % 26 + 97)
return cipher
plain = "draemon"
#Number of shifts,key
s = 3
print("Plain Text : " + plain)
print("shift_num : " + str(s))
print("cipher : " + encrypt(plain, s))
When you run
% python
Plain Text : draemon
shift_num : 3
cipher : gudhprq
I was able to encrypt it.
Since English has only 26 characters, there are at most 26 ways to shift it.
#Decode with brute force attack
def decrypt(cipher_text):
for shift_num in range(26):
answer = "" #Key shift_Result when decoding with num
for char in cipher_text:
if(ord(char) - shift_num < 65): #When it is capitalized and smaller than A when shifted
answer += chr(ord(char) - shift_num + 26)
elif(ord(char) - shift_num < 97): #When it is lowercase and less than a when shifted
answer += chr(ord(char) - shift_num + 26)
else: #In lowercase
answer += chr(ord(char) - shift_num)
print("key" + str(shift_num) + "Decrypt with →" + answer)
cipher = "gudhprq"
When you do this
% python
Decrypt with key 0 → gudhprq
Decrypt with key 1 → ftcgoqp
Decrypt with key 2 → esbfnpo
Decrypt with key 3 → draemon
Decrypt with key 4 → cqzdlnm
Decrypt with key 5 → bpyckml
Decrypt with key 6 → aoxbjlk
Decrypt with key 7 → znwaikj
Decrypt with key 8 → ymvzhji
Decrypt with key 9 → xluygih
Decrypt with key 10 → wktxfhg
Decrypt with key 11 → vjswegf
Decrypt with key 12 → uirvdfe
Decrypt with key 13 → thquced
Decrypt with key 14 → sgptbdc
Decrypt with key 15 → rfosacb
Decrypt with key 16 → qenrzba
Decrypt with key 17 → pdmqyaz
Decrypt with key 18 → oclpxzy
Decrypt with key 19 → nbkowyx
Decrypt with key 20 → majnvxw
Decrypt with key 21 → lzimuwv
Decrypt with key 22 → kyhltvu
Decrypt with key 23 → jxgksut
Decrypt with key 24 → iwfjrts
Decrypt with key 25 → hveiqsr
The most meaningful of these is when decrypted with key 3.
The Caesar cipher is encrypted by shifting the alphabet, while the single transliteration cipher is encrypted by replacing the alphabet with a different alphabet. For example, when the plaintext is draemon
, it becomes jixbors
when encrypted according to the following correspondence table.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
a | d | e | m | n | o | r |
x | j | b | o | s | r | i |
This time, I used the text file jobs_quote.txt
which summarizes the English quotes of Steve Jobs Quotations as plain text, and used a single translation Encrypt with encryption. However, for simplicity, consider only the alphabet (both uppercase and lowercase).
import random
import re
#Function to encrypt
def simple_sub_cipher():
#Generate an ASCII list of alphabets
alphabets = [65 + i for i in range(26)] + [97 + i for i in range(26)]
new_alphabets = [65 + i for i in range(26)] + [97 + i for i in range(26)]
random.shuffle(new_alphabets) #Sort randomly
path = 'jobs_quote.txt' #text file path
with open(path) as f:
words = #Read text file
words = re.sub(r'[\W0-9_]', "", words) #Erase everything except the alphabet
#Replace with new alphabets in order from a
for old, new in zip(alphabets, new_alphabets):
words = words.replace(chr(old), chr(new))
print(words) #Displaying encrypted text
When you run
% python simple*
I was able to encrypt it into an incomprehensible sentence.
Frequency analysis is to find out the frequency of letters.
For example, according to Wikipedia of Frequency Analysis, general The most commonly used is ʻe. The second comes ʻi
, the third comes ʻa, the fourth comes
t, and the fifth comes
Here, let's analyze the frequency of jobs_quote.txt
import re
path = 'jobs_quote.txt' #path setting
with open(path) as f:
words = #Read file
words = re.sub(r'[\W0-9_]', "", words).lower()
char_set = { alphabet for alphabet in words } #Separate one character at a time
char_freq = { alphabet : words.count(alphabet) for alphabet in char_set } #Count the number of letters
sorted_char_freq = sorted(char_freq.items(), key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) #Sort by frequency
When you run
% python freq*
[('t', 285), ('e', 269), ('o', 244), ('n', 172), ('a', 168), ('i', 167), ('s', 128), ('r', 122), ('h', 118), ('l', 92), ('u', 89), ('y', 85), ('d', 84), ('m', 66), ('w', 64), ('c', 60), ('g', 55), ('f', 47), ('p', 39), ('v', 34), ('b', 32), ('k', 23), ('q', 5), ('x', 3), ('j', 1)]
It became. Although it is not exactly the same as the frequency analysis result of Wikipedia earlier, the result is quite similar considering that it is a saying.
By the way, if you know t and e, you can easily guess the, they, he, get, etc. that are often used in English. You can decipher this if you do your best.
The number of shifts of the Caesar cipher is 13.
Let x be the plaintext
ROT_{13}(ROT_{13}(x)) = ROT_{0}(x)
There are 26 alphabets, so if you repeat ROT13 twice, you will return to the sentence below. When ravine is converted to ROT13, it is used for word games such as enivar.
>>> import codecs
>>> codecs.decode('abc', 'rot13')
It is called the following table Vigenère cipher with the alphabet shifted one by one.
For example, when the plaintext is'DRAEMON'and the key is'ABC', D
is D
in A row and D column, R is S
in B row and R column, and A is C
in C row and A column. It becomes. If the plaintext is longer than the key, use the key repeatedly. In other words, the next ʻEis E in row A and column E. If this is repeated, it will be encrypted as
It is important not to know the key cycle (3 in this case).
Here, a = 0, b = 1, ..., z = 26, pi is the i-th character of the plaintext, Ki is the i-th character of the key, and Ci is the i-th character of the ciphertext.
C_i = (P_i + K_i)mod26
By the way, if decoding is expressed in the same way
P_i = (C_i - K_i)mod26
Will be.
There are two deciphering methods: ** Cassis Key Test ** and ** Key Deduction **.
The ** Cassis Key Test ** focuses on key repetition and cannot be used when it is very long (more than half the length of plaintext).
Like the Vigenère cipher, hiragana is placed in a 7-square table, numbers are assigned vertically and horizontally, and the numbers corresponding to the hiragana are used for encryption.
For example, shino
is encrypted as75, 36, 46
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