[RUBY] [Rails] About Rspec response test



I tried to summarize how to write test code in Rspec. (It will be a response test edition.)

I learned by referring to the following articles. Create a template for initial RSpec settings in Rails-Qiita Test Rails tutorials (Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5) with RSpec-Qiita

1. Rspec setup

Install Gem

Add Rspec to gemfile


group :development, :test do
  gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 4.0.1'

Then install Gem.

$ bundle install

Install rspec in your project with the rails command.

$ rails generate rspec:install

Edit rspec settings


--require rails_helper
--format documentation


module RailsTutorial
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.load_defaults 5.2
    #↓ Add
    #Rails g by specifying rspec in the test framework~Settings that automatically create a spec file when you execute
    config.generators do |g|
      g.test_framework :rspec,
                       helper_specs: false,
                       routing_specs: false,
                       view_specs: false,
                       controller_specs: false
    #↑ Add


2. Write a test with Rspec

Create an Rspec file

It seems that the test code is called'spec'in Rspec. (The controller test code seems to be like'controller spec'.)

For Rails, you can create a file with the rails generate command.

#For controller
$ rails g rspec:controller file name

#For model
$ rails g rspec:model file name

$ rails g rspec:controller StaticPages

Write test code


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe 'Access to static_pages', type: :request do

	#Request sending test to home page
	context 'GET #home' do
		before { get static_pages_home_path }

		#Response test to request
		it 'responds successfully' do
			expect(response).to have_http_status 200


I'm not sure about describe or context.

Let's look at each one.

・ Describe, type


RSpec.describe 'Access to static_pages', type: :request do



RSpec.describe [Test name], type: [Spec type] do


#Spec type
#This time it is a response test, so it will be a request.
#Other than that'system','controller','model','routing','view'And so on.

・ Context, before, it


RSpec.describe 'Access to static_pages', type: :request do
    context 'GET #home' do
        before { get static_pages_home_path }

        #Response test to request
        it 'responds successfully' do
            expect(response).to have_http_status 200


RSpec.describe 'Access to static_pages', type: :request do
    context ['~in the case of'(With your favorite name)] do
        before [Advance preparation]

        #Response test to request
        it ['Contents of specifications'(With your favorite name)] do
            [Expected behavior]

If you read in order from the top The test code is finally listed in it. The test code is written in a structure that nests many describe> context> ....


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe 'Access to static_pages', type: :request do

	#Request sending test to home page
	context 'GET #home' do
		before { get static_pages_home_path }

		#Response test to request
		it 'responds successfully' do
			expect(response).to have_http_status 200


expect(response).to have_http_status 200

This is before and {get static_pages_home_path} When the GET method is used to communicate with the home path, if the response returned is 200 (OK), it means that the test is OK.

That's easy, but it's about how to write an Rspec response test in Rails.

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