[RUBY] [Rails5] Rspec -validation-


This time I will write Rspec for the validation of Model

** ・ It is valid if you have name, email, password ** ** ・ It is invalid if there is no name, email, password **

I would like to test the above two points.

1. Test target

validates :name,
       presence: true,   
validates :email,
       presence: true,   
validates  :password,
       presence: true,

The test target is validation at the time of User registration. This time, I want to verify only the validity of validation, so I will use simple code as above.

2. Implementation

require 'rails_helper'

Rspec.decribe User, type: model do
  describe '#validates' do
    context 'If your name, email address and password are correct' do
      it 'Be valid'  do
        @user = User.new ({
          name: "Test Taro",
          email: "[email protected]",
          password: "111111",
        expect(@user).to be_valid

    context 'If your name, email address, and password are incorrect' do
      it 'To be validated' do
        @user = User.new ({
          name: "",
          email: "",
          password: "",
        expect(@user.valid?).to be_falsy

Assign the correct and incorrect objects to the instance variables, respectively.

I use ** be_valid ** (predicut matcher) to test if validationg is valid, and ** be_falsy ** to make sure false is returned when it is not valid. ..

*** I want to see that the curly braces immediately after the new method when creating an object must be given to value and the parentheses must be given to each key. I personally got a little fit. ** **

3. Test result

2 examples, 0 failures

** You passed. ** **

I felt that Rspec to be validated was easy to understand because it could be described simply.


This time I implemented it all together, but I think that it is necessary to run the test for each column originally.

Also, when I hit the code, I thought that I used each parenthesis ** () {} [] ** with my own sense, so I felt that I needed to understand it again. I would like to write an article again.

ps→ It seems that Japanese eel fry come from Australia on the ocean current.

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