Type after reading an excel file with pandas read_excel

The data type after reading Excel with pandas.read_excel seems to be affected by the formatting in Excel, so I was a little worried, so I experimented. Accumulate little by little.

スクリーンショット 2020-10-14 21.01.29.png


--Environment --macOS Catalina version 10.15.7 --Microsoft Excel for Mac version 16.42 - Python 3.8.5 - pandas 1.1.3

Excel format(Classification) Excel format(display) Type after loading with pandas
standard 43831 int
date 2020/1/2 datetime.datetime
date Friday, January 3, 2020 datetime.datetime
date 2020-01-04 pandas.Timestamp
date January 5, 2020 pandas.Timestamp
date January 2020 pandas.Timestamp
date January 7 pandas.Timestamp
date 2020/1/8 pandas.Timestamp
date 2020/1/9 12:00 AM pandas.Timestamp
date 2020/1/10 0:00 pandas.Timestamp
date 1/11 pandas.Timestamp
date 1/12/20 pandas.Timestamp
date 01/13/20 pandas.Timestamp
date 14-Jan pandas.Timestamp
date 15-Jan-20 pandas.Timestamp
date 16-Jan-20 pandas.Timestamp
date Jan-20 pandas.Timestamp
date January-20 pandas.Timestamp
date J pandas.Timestamp
date J-20 pandas.Timestamp

-Since the Excel date read by pandas.read_excel was a serial number, I converted it to datetime.datetime --Qiita

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