[Ruby] Classification and usage of loops in Ruby

Why write

I implemented while and redo in business and looped until the conditions were met, and I ran the job in the production environment, so the output to write an appropriate loop. (Even with paiza, it was all about while, ...)

At the time of code review, I was often asked to rewrite with one liner, so I will write one liner notation as far as I can understand.

Loop types and uses

for (I don't think it's used much in Ruby ...) The for statement is used when you want to repeat the processing for the range of the specified range object or get the elements of the array in order.


for i in 1..3 do
  p "#{i}Second loop"

#=>"1st loop"
#=>"Second loop"
#=>"3rd loop"

It is possible to get the elements of the array in order, but I don't think there are many people who write for for, and there is no merit, so I will omit it.

each It is a familiar each in Ruby.

Each method is a method that can be used in arrays, range objects, Hash, and Enumerator, and you can get the elements contained in the object in order.


[1,2,3].each do |i|
  p "#{i}Second loop"

#Array one liner
[1,2,3].each {|i| p "#{i}Second loop"}

#Range object
(1..3).each do |i|
  p "#{i}Second loop"

#Range Object One Liner
(1..3).each {|i| p "#{i}Second loop"}

#=>"1st loop"
#=>"Second loop"
#=>"3rd loop"

"Each" is mainly used rather than "for".

while Next is while (I did it while) While loops while the specified condition is true.

While the for statement and each method iterate over the specified elements, the while statement iterates until the conditional expression becomes false.


i = 1
while i <= 3 do #do is optional and works without writing
  p "#{i}Second loop"
  i += 1

#=>"1st loop"
#=>"Second loop"
#=>"3rd loop"

I think there is more risk than each or times that will be introduced in the future. There is no clear and reliable upper limit, and you set the conditions yourself, so use it systematically ...

If you understand and use it, it will be flexible and insanely easy to use.

until Think of it as the exact opposite of while. It may not be very useful, but for the time being.


i = 1
until i > 3 do #do is optional and works without writing
  p "#{i}Second loop"
  i += 1

#=>"1st loop"
#=>"Second loop"
#=>"3rd loop"

The condition is reversed from the previous one, and it will rotate unless the predefined i exceeds 3. I don't recommend it because it's difficult to understand, but if you don't use the numerical value as a condition, it seems to be useful.

loop This will not come out unless you end it with break. You can set flexible conditions, but I think this is also a fairly risky loop.


i = 1
  p "#{i}Second loop"
  i += 1
  break if i == 4

#=>"1st loop"
#=>"Second loop"
#=>"3rd loop"

When the defined variable "i" becomes equal to 4, it breaks.

times I've been using it a lot lately, but I really like it (laughs) I think it is best to turn it the specified number of times.


#When using a loop degree value
3.times do |i|
  p i

#One liner
3.times {|i| p i}


#When not using the loop degree value
3.times do
  p "It's a loop, it turns 3 times"

#One liner
3.times {p "It's a loop, it turns 3 times"}

#=>"It's a loop, it turns 3 times"
#=>"It's a loop, it turns 3 times"
#=>"It's a loop, it turns 3 times"

It is recommended because it is the most explicit and intuitive when turning the specified number of times.

upto downto This is also often used when you want a numerical value while turning in a loop. I personally like it.

upto is a loop until the specified number is reached, in which the variable is incremented by 1, and downto is the opposite of upto, which is a loop until the specified number is reached, during which the variable is decremented by 1.


1.upto(3) do |i|
  p "#{i}Second loop"

#upto one liner
1.upto(3) {|i| p "#{i}Second loop"}

#=>"1st loop"
#=>"Second loop"
#=>"3rd loop"

3.downto(1) do |i|
  p i

#downto one liner
3.downto(1) {|i| p i}


map map iterates through the blocks as many times as there are elements in the array and returns the resulting array. map! does not affect the original value, while map! rewrites the original value. Also, Ruby has a collect method, which is another name for the map method.

It's convenient to be able to process in an array and receive the result as an array.


arr = [1, 2, 3]
arr_new = arr.map { |x| x * 2 }
p arr_new

#=>[2, 4, 6]

Difference from each

As I get used to Ruby, I think I tend to write everything in each (I also try not to do that). However, there are surprisingly many patterns that can be applied neatly when using map rather than each.


int_list = (1..3).to_a

int_to_double = []
int_list.each do |i|
  int_to_double << i * 2

p int_to_double

#=>[2, 4, 6]

I'm defining an array just to generate a new list. This is by using map ...


int_list = (1..3)

int_to_double = int_list.map do |i| 
  i * 2

p int_to_double

#One liner
int_list = (1..3)

int_to_double = int_list.map {|i| i * 2}

p int_to_double

#=>[2, 4, 6]

You can write so neatly.


In addition, there are still many repetitive syntaxes and methods in Ruby, so I will add them again after checking the timing.

If you want to process an array and generate a new array, use map. If you want to take out the contents of the array one by one and perform conditional branching etc., use each When you want to set flexible conditions and run a loop, use while (use it systematically) If you know the number of loops in advance, set times If you want to get a value that increases or decreases by 1 while turning the loop, use upto, downto.

I use it properly like this.

There are many things you want to do while turning the loop, so the most intuitive way is to select and implement the smart loop.

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