I was a little addicted to ssh connection from mac to linux (ubuntu)

ssh command doesn't work

First, make a key using ssh-keygen normally,


Host mylinux
HostName ip address
User Username
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/linux_rsa

Described in the form of.

$ ssh mylinux

I try to log in like this

ssh:connect to host ip address port 22: connection refused



The conclusion was that the daemon wasn't on the linux side for too simple ... I wonder if something happened when I forced a restart. Well, if it doesn't work as usual, you can just install it.

$ sudo apt-get install -y ssh

End with

What I tried (unfinished)

I see it with the vvv option, but there is no information.

Connect to linux-> mac

This worked.

Check the connection between nodes by ping

This also works.

Sites that look useful

https://kinsta.com/jp/knowledgebase/ssh-connection-refused/ Confirm that the port is not open in No. 3 of this. Check number 4. First, let's look at the daemon settings

$ ls /etc/ssh

Missing sshd_config I can't even start it. It turns out that there was no daemon.

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