[JAVA] Operation Spring Awakening Spring MVC Part 4

Forcibly incorporated Bootstrap's Modal dialog

Front side (^ _ ^;) that is just confusing to humans who came with Java

  1. Initial screen I missed the buttons in the Modal dialog, so it's refreshing modal_初期画面.png

2-1. Pre-registration screen Register in the Modal dialog modal_登録前.png

2-2. Screen after registration modal_登録後.png

3-1. Screen before completion modal_完了押下前.png

3-2. Screen after completion modal_完了画面押下後.png

  1. Screen before deletion modal_削除前.png

5-1. Screen before search modal_検索前.png

5-2. Screen after search modal_検索後.png

It's roughly like this.

This is a site for checking the operation. http://ikefukurou.com/TodoApp/

Thank you m (_ _) m

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