[JAVA] Operation Spring Awakening Spring MVC Part 3

I touched Spring MVC, the third

Addition of delete function and screen transition

Added the delete function. At the moment, the screen transition looks like this.

  1. Login screen ログイン画面_0526.png

  2. New user registration screen 新規登録_0526.png

  3. Initial screen 初期画面_0526.png

  4. After data registration 登録後_複数_0526.png

  5. After pressing the finish button 完了ボタン押下後.png

6-1. Before pressing the search button 検索前_0526.png

6-2. After pressing the search button 検索後_0526.png

  1. After pressing the delete button 削除ボタン押下後.png

Extra edition. For iPhone 7 Plus (responsive) IMG_2804.jpg

It's roughly like this. Next, we plan to add the Validate function using the interface.

The source is here. https://github.com/pugachev/TodoApp.git

This is a site for checking the operation. http://ikefukurou.com/TodoApp/

Thank you m (_ _) m

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