It is a script that uses Python and lxml to get the base price of investment trusts from the website of the Investment Trusts Association (Comprehensive Investment Trust Search Library) by web scraping. Regarding the previously published Yahoo! Finance version, web scraping from Yahoo! Finance was prohibited by the rules, so I created it instead.
It is published on GitHub, so click here for the latest version sawadyrr5 / PyFundJP: Script for acquiring information on investment trusts in Japan
The search will be by ISIN code instead of fund code, but the basic syntax is exactly the same.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# python 2.7
#Scraping standard price data from investment trust association
import lxml.html
import datetime
def getNAV(isin, sy, sm, sd, ey, em, ed):
#Push the argument into the dict
d = dict(isin=isin, sy=sy, sm=sm, sd=sd, ey=ey, em=em, ed=ed)
#Unpack dict to generate URL
url = '{isin}\
#Get ElementTree
tree = lxml.html.parse(url)
#date,Base price,Apply map and utf while getting all the elements of net worth-8 conversion
contents = map(lambda html: html.text.encode('utf-8').replace('\n',''), tree.xpath('//*[@id="showList"]//label'))
#Because it is one list[[date, price, cap], [date, price, cap], ...]Divide with
res = []
for i in range(0, len(contents)-1, 3):
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(contents[i], '%Y year%m month%d day').strftime('%Y%m%d')
price = int(contents[i+1].replace(',','').replace('Circle',''))
cap = contents[i+2].replace(',','').replace('100 million yen','')
res.append([date, price, cap])
return res
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Push parameters into dict(Japanese stock Alpha Quartet (monthly distribution type))
args = dict(isin='JP90C000A931', sy='2015', sm='12', sd='01', ey='2015', em='12', ed='31')
#Pass the dict and unpack
print getNAV(**args)
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