scraping the Nikkei 225 with playwright-python


sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y libwoff1 libopus0 libwebp6 libwebpdemux2 libenchant1c2a libgudev-1.0-0 libsecret-1-0 libhyphen0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libegl1 libnotify4 libxslt1.1 libevent-2.1-7 libgles2 libxcomposite1 libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libepoxy0 libgtk-3-0 libharfbuzz-icu0 libgstreamer-gl1.0-0 libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-libav libnss3 libxss1 libasound2 fonts-noto-color-emoji libxtst6 libdbus-glib-1-2 libxt6 ffmpeg xvfb

Install Japanese font

sudo apt install fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-ipafont-mincho

Install playwright

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install playwright

#Install chromium / Firefox / WebKit
python3 -m playwright install


from playwright import sync_playwright

with sync_playwright() as p:
    for browser_type in [p.chromium, p.firefox, p.webkit]:
        browser = browser_type.launch()
        page = browser.newPage()
        page.screenshot(path=f"example-{}.png ")

Scraping the Nikkei 225

from playwright import sync_playwright

with sync_playwright() as p:
    browser = p.chromium.launch()
    page = browser.newPage()
    # html = page.content()

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