Java Unit Test Library-Artery / JUnit4-Array Equivalence

Table of Contents ⇒ Java Unit Test Library-Artery-Sample

package jp.avaj.lib.test;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;

import org.junit.Test;

import jp.avaj.lib.algo.ArList;

Java unit test library-Artery/JUnit4-Array equivalence judgment

Int in Artery[] vs Integer[]And int[] vs long[]Can be judged by different types such as

JUnit uses assertArrayEquals for equality judgment(not assertEquals)
Int in JUnit[] vs Integer[]And int[] vs long[]Cannot be judged by different types such as
public class Q02_01 {
  ////////Below is a sample of Artery
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Declare the start of the test case ⇒ Not required if aggregation is not required

    // int[] vs int[]
      int[] value0 = new int[]{0,1,2};
      int[] value1 = new int[]{0,1,2};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs int[]","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
      value1 = new int[]{10,11,12};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs int[](NG)","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
    // int[] vs Integer[]
      int[] value0 = new int[]{0,1,2};
      Integer[] value1 = new Integer[]{0,1,2};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs Integer[]","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
      value1 = new Integer[]{10,11,12};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs Integer[](NG)","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
    // int[] vs Long[]
      int[] value0 = new int[]{0,1,2};
      Long[] value1 = new Long[]{0L,1L,2L};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs Long[]","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
      value1 = new Long[]{10L,11L,12L};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs Long[](NG)","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
    // int[] vs Double[]
      int[] value0 = new int[]{0,1,2};
      Double[] value1 = new Double[]{0D,1D,2D};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs Double[]","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
      value1 = new Double[]{10D,11D,12D};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs Double[](NG)","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
    // int[] vs BigDecimal[]
      int[] value0 = new int[]{0,1,2};
      BigDecimal[] value1 = new BigDecimal[]{new BigDecimal(0),new BigDecimal(1),new BigDecimal(2)};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs BigDecimal[]","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
      value1 = new BigDecimal[]{new BigDecimal(10),new BigDecimal(11),new BigDecimal(12)};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs BigDecimal[](NG)","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
    // int[] vs List<Integer>
      int[] value0 = new int[]{0,1,2};
      List<Integer> value1 = ArList.construct(new Integer[]{0,1,2});
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs List<Integer>","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
      value1 = ArList.construct(new Integer[]{10,11,12});
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs List<Integer> (NG)","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
    // int[] vs String[]⇒ It can be judged, but it may be better not to use it?
      int[] value0 = new int[]{0,1,2};
      String[] value1 = new String[]{"0","1","2"};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs String[]","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
      value1 = new String[]{"10","11","12"};
      ArTest.equals("int[] vs String[](NG)","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
    // String[] vs String[]
      String[] value0 = new String[]{"0","1","2"};
      String[] value1 = new String[]{"0","1","2"};
      ArTest.equals("String[] vs String[]","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
      value1 = new String[]{"10","11","12"};
      ArTest.equals("String[] vs String[](NG)","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
    // String[] vs List<String>[]
      String[] value0 = new String[]{"0","1","2"};
      List<String> value1 = ArList.construct(new String[]{"0","1","2"});
      ArTest.equals("String[] vs List<String>[]","value0",value0,"value1",value1);
      value1 = ArList.construct(new String[]{"10","11","12"});
      ArTest.equals("String[] vs List<String>[](NG)","value0",value0,"value1",value1);

    //End the test case ⇒ Not required if aggregation is not required

  ////////Below is a sample of JUnit4
  // int[] vs int[] -If equal ⇒ but NG
  //If you don't know "use assertArrayEquals" you may be wrong..
  public void test00() {
    assertEquals(new int[]{0,1,2},new int[]{0,1,2});

  // int[] vs int[] -If they are equal ⇒ This is OK
  public void test01() {
    assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0,1,2},new int[]{0,1,2});

  // int[] vs Integer[] -If equal ⇒ This is a compilation error
  //I want you to do this much...
  public void test02() {
//    assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0,1,2},new Integer[]{0,1,2});

  // int[] vs long[] -If they are equal ⇒ This is also a compilation error
  //I want you to do this much...
  public void test03() {
//    assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0,1,2},new long[]{0,1,2});

  // double[] vs double[],Judgment error must be specified ⇒ If equal
  public void test04() {
    assertArrayEquals(new double[]{0D,1D,2D},new double[]{0D,1D,2D},0.5D);

  // double[] vs double[],Judgment error must be specified ⇒ If not equal
  public void test05() {
    assertArrayEquals(new double[]{0D,1D,2D},new double[]{10D,11D,12D},0.5D);

  // String[] va String[] -If equal
  public void test06() {
    assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"a","b","c"},new String[]{"a","b","c"});
  // String[] va String[] -If not equal
  public void test07() {
    assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"a","b","c"},new String[]{"x","y","z"});

The result is as follows 無題.png


**** Q02_01 start ****
OK int[] vs int[]:value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[0, 1, 2]
NG int[] vs int[](NG):value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[10, 11, 12]
OK int[] vs Integer[]:value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[0, 1, 2]
NG int[] vs Integer[](NG):value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[10, 11, 12]
OK int[] vs Long[]:value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[0, 1, 2]
NG int[] vs Long[](NG):value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[10, 11, 12]
OK int[] vs Double[]:value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[0, 1, 2]
NG int[] vs Double[](NG):value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[10, 11, 12]
OK int[] vs BigDecimal[]:value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[0, 1, 2]
NG int[] vs BigDecimal[](NG):value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[10, 11, 12]
OK int[] vs List<Integer>:value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[0, 1, 2]
NG int[] vs List<Integer> (NG):value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[10, 11, 12]
OK int[] vs String[]:value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[0, 1, 2]
NG int[] vs String[](NG):value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[10, 11, 12]
OK String[] vs String[]:value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[0, 1, 2]
NG String[] vs String[](NG):value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[10, 11, 12]
OK String[] vs List<String>[]:value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[0, 1, 2]
NG String[] vs List<String>[](NG):value0=[0, 1, 2]:value1=[10, 11, 12]
**** Q02_01 summary ****
test count = 18
success    = 9

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