By default, the HTTP request / response of the Django REST framework application assumes JSON. JSON is good, but you want to use MessagePack.
To change this, set Parsers / Renderers.
Request --Parsers Response --Renderers
MessagePack is not supported by default, but the documentation says to use djangorestframework-msgpack.
MessagePack is a fast, efficient binary serialization format.
Juan Riaza maintains the djangorestframework-msgpack package which provides MessagePack renderer and parser support for REST framework.
Install djangorestframework-msgpack.
pip install djangorestframework-msgpack
Set to use MessagePack.
You are now using MessagePack.
The rest is a bonus.
I'm using Django REST Swagger, but I don't know how to use MessagePack.
Therefore, in the environment that uses Swagger (here, when DEBUG = True), JSON is also available.
if DEBUG == True:
The order is important. Since the top is the main, I will write the Message Pack as the main.
BrowsableAPIRenderer is for this. I'm not using it now, but I put it in.
Write to use MessagePack when testing communication. It doesn't make sense to test with JSON.
import msgpack
from django.test import TestCase
class ApiUsersTestCase(TestCase):
def test_put_users_pk_ok(self):
For example, an API that sets user parameters
Since it is an image, only a simple test
pk = 1
params = {
"name": "Playing cards"
response = self.client.put("/users/{0}/".format(pk), msgpack.packb(params, use_bin_type=True), "application/msgpack")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
content = msgpack.unpackb(response.content, encoding='utf-8')
self.assertEqual(content["name"], params["name"])
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