[SWIFT] Difference between addPanel and presentModally of FloatingPanel

FloatingPanel https://github.com/SCENEE/FloatingPanel#add-a-floating-panel-as-a-child-view-controller

Add a floating panel as a child view controller

When added as a child VC, it is basically assumed that it will not be deleted by swiping down. If you write fpc.isRemovalInteractionEnabled = true here, the parent view on the back will scroll when scrolling, or if you close it with a down swipe, the parent view button will not work and you will not be able to open the floating panel again. ..

Present a floating panel as a modality

So basically, it's better to use this which is the standard behavior of iOS and close it with a down swipe.

import FloatingPanel

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
		fpc = FloatingPanelController(delegate: self)
		fpc.layout = MyFloatingPanelLayout()
        let contentVC == CommentViewController()
		// or let contentVC = CommentViewController.fromStoryboard()
		fpc.set(contentViewController: contentVC)
		fpc.isRemovalInteractionEnabled = true // Let it removable by a swipe-down
		fpc.track(scrollView: contentVC.tableView) // .Make the contentVC tableView scrollable when it becomes full

    @IBAction func didTapCommentButton(_ sender: Any) {
		self.present(fpc, animated: true, completion: nil)

class MyFloatingPanelLayout: FloatingPanelLayout {
	let position: FloatingPanelPosition = .bottom
	let initialState: FloatingPanelState = .half
    var anchors: [FloatingPanelState: FloatingPanelLayoutAnchoring] {
        return [
            .half: FloatingPanelLayoutAnchor(fractionalInset: 0.5, edge: .bottom, referenceGuide: .safeArea),

If you use addPanel

At first, hide it with let initialState = .hidden, and when the button is pressed, call the following from the bottom.

self.fpc.move(to: .half, animated: true)

It should be a code that hides in the following form when you press the close button (I prepared it instead because it can not be closed by swiping down).

self.fpc.move(to: .hide, animated: true)

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