[RUBY] Difference between render method and redirect_to

About this article
I often confuse "render method" with "redirect_to" when implementing a view, so post it as a memorandum!

[environment] ・ Ruby 2.6.5, Rails 6.0.0 ・ MacOS

● render method = A method that specifies the view file to call. Display the view as it is without a new request.

● redirect_to = Same behavior as when sending a new request. Routing → Controller → Show View Usage scene: Transfer unlogged-in users to the top page or login page

At the end
I'm a beginner, but I'm studying rails, and options, methods, syntax, etc. I felt that many of them had a vague understanding of what was different and how to use them properly. I will continue to post one post every day, no matter how trivial it may be, so please take a warm look.

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