Note: Difference between Ruby "p" and "puts"


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OK if the following is displayed in the output

$ ruby Bmain.rb 
4 #input
aaaaa #input
aaaa... #output

I wrote the following code.

K = gets.to_i
S = gets.chomp

if S.length <= K then
  p S
elsif S.length > K then
  p S[0..(K-1)]+"..."

output An error occurs because "" is displayed in the output.

$ ruby Bmain.rb 
4 #input
aaaaa #input
"aaaa..." #output

Change p to puts

K = gets.to_i
S = gets.chomp

if S.length <= K then
  puts S
elsif S.length > K then
  puts S[0..(K-1)]+"..."

The following was displayed without "".

$ ruby Bmain.rb 
4 #input
aaaaa #input
aaaa... #output

Since p is for debugging purposes, "" is added for easy understanding.

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